As you probably know Mrs JtB contacted me today to let me know her husband had passed away.
‘Jen’ enjoyed winding me up about sending him a mug and succeeded until I realised that was all it was, a wind-up. After that I had a good laugh explaining to those wanting to buy him one that was all it was. We will miss him. RIP Neil AKA ‘Jen the Blue’. As for the Bristol Stool Chart, we are all now very familiar with that.
His account is still open, he never had reason to make it private. You can see his comments here: JtB (Wankpuffin of the Year)

Mrs JtB will be in touch re funeral arrangements. We will send flowers and donate to a charity of her choice. If you’d like to make a small donation I have created a folder so I know what’s what, but it would help if you add a note on any donation to help me keep track.
He lived in Derbyshire. I will make details available for anyone that would like to attend his funeral nearer the time and will go myself if I can.
God bless you and your family Neil. RIP.