It’s a bit crap but it’s the best there is without trying to persuade everyone to change. It does go belly up from time to time. All we can do is let Disqus know and wait. I pay for us not to have ads and so do have a support mail address but they aren’t much use.
See the moderation page to understand when you might be moderated.
Before going off on one understand there is an auto spam function over which I have no control. If I am out and about you are going to have to wait.
Check your own account first. Disqus has a habit of disappearing comments that magically reappear if you F5/refresh.
Other things to try.
- Windows – Ctrl + F5 / Mac – Cmd + Shift + R / Safari – Shift + Reload tooolbar button This is done by doing a force refresh by pressing both control and F5 buttons simultaneously on your keyboard (depending on your browser). Most times a simple force cache refresh won’t work and you need to clear the cache by hand.
- Clear your cache and maybe your cookies. Don’t ask me. Google is your friend.
- Try different browsers and or devices to check whether it’s a technical, or an account problem.
- See if you have a similar problem on other sites. We have a lot of comments so some sites might appear fine, but that’s becuase they have hardly any comments.
- “I Keep Getting Logged Out By Disqus” – Disqus uses session cookies to maintain your logged-in status. Your browser should be set to accept 3rd-party cookies for this to work properly.
- “What HTML tags are allowed within comments?” – Allowed HTML tags in Disqus comments.
Disqus is Java based so if you have turned Java script off which some people do for added security then that may cause you a problem.
Update 29th June 2022 – One solution that has worked for one reader:-
my system suddenly decided (on its own) it didn’t want to accept 3d party cookies? So altered that and all was well
Lastly. Email me HERE.