Articles by Rookwood

I want my free stuff
Everywhere you go, regardless of media platform, you hear this sad and deluded refrain – “To compete, xxx must be sustainable”. This political sound-bite, which is in effect a dog-whistle for “Make the listener feel [more…]

Sous Vide for dummies
So what exactly is Sous Vide? If you have ever been served the most perfectly cooked steak, piece of chicken or fish in an upmarket restaurant, the chances are that it has been cooked sous [more…]

The culture destroyers
They are everywhere these damned people. More dangerous to society than a knife wielding Jihadi, more potent than radioactive fallout, these individuals more frequently than not look just like you or I. Some are fat, [more…]

Flounce !!!
To some, this article will come as a major surprise as my demise has been exaggerated somewhat. For those of you who were concerned as to my well-being, a big thank you and a hug. [more…]

Evil beyond measure
Mrs R and I have a mutual friend of many years who knows both of us extremely well. For the sake of brevity, let us call her “A”. This came home when we were having [more…]

Burning heretics
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” We live in very strange times indeed. The United Kingdom applies some of the most draconian libel laws in the Western world, while [more…]

The weaponisation of dignity
Something has been gnawing at my guts for some considerable time now. We all pretty much agree that situation ethics, political correctness, the religion of woke and various other cultural weapons have pockmarked the edifice [more…]

Maintaining the status quo – the condemnation of the conspirational
Man’s most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe. Euripdes OK, I admit it. I am a conspiracy theorist. Or more accurately, a conspiracy realist. The synonyms for theorist include logician, [more…]