Crossword No. 140

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1&7 Anti-virus gel smeared all over Lineker (6,6)1 Rabbit sent into orbit – a victory for Republican leader (8)
4 Damned Scottish leader (cad) has the cure (8)2 Red trade union is backward looking (8)
9 ..see 13 3 Drug addict Rishi Sunak initially supported EU (4)
10 Urge endless spunk from large ‘weapon’ … (8)5 End of EU? Senseless Conservative and Labour Leaders have no idea! (12)
12 … as ‘curly hair’ displayed on seafront! (4)6 EU in a right mess, going down the pan! (4)
13,26&9 “In bed with brat gets blue tick” – a saying by globalists (5,4,6)7 ..see 1
14 I did F.A. at start of lockdown - that was a mistake! (4)8 Democrat leader molests ‘angel’ & gets hanged (6)
17 Film ruined by sunburn? (12)11 Post up on G.P. about start of rural community action (7,5)
20 Right wing commentator gets smear on Grinder! (6,6)15 Recovery from being hot and bare (5)
23 I’m a muslim leader (4)16 Republican leader on tour in Cornwall (5)
24 I’m using gas against elderly (5)18 Cut off at the end of route to Tampa… (8)
25 Archbishop in ballet costume? (4)19 … yet Tulsa is a smarter choice! (8)
28 Pears mixed into a soda at start of covid (8)21 Conservative leader joins rabbi on the ‘white powder’ (6)
29 Vegas – a display of African culture? (6)22 Cadwalladr is ‘The Oracle’ (6)
30 Splits up and pukes in bar (8)26 ..see 13
31 Biden’s approach with girls: pee and cry! 6)27 Diane Abbott’s head is full of hot air! (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

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Last week’s winner. 139 – Tbd.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 139


1 Short 4 Tempered 8 Anterior 9 Yourself 11 Feeling 13 On the game 15 Party conference 18 Newswires 21 Enabler 22 Squelchy 24 Act of God 25 Absorbed 26 Incas


1 Sea of Japan 2 On the air 3 Terribly 4 Tory 5 Pierce 6 Rowena 7 Deaf 10 Out of use 12 Gomorrah 14 Electrodes 16 Rigatoni 17 Neologic 19 Wounds 20 Walter 22 Skua 23 Yard


© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 140 & Answers to Number 139