Crossword No. 166

© Richard Puller 2021, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2021
4 Commit to a lifetime of service (8)1 Liberty (7)
8,21&4 Her Majesty’s “rock” (6,6,4,2,9)2 Eleven-sided shape (9)
9 Birds of prey (8)3 Smooth music (6)
10 Attendee (8)4 ..see 8
11 Conditioned (6)5 Hates (8)
12 Royal family (8)6 DoE’s birthplace (5)
13 Telescope (8)7 Vote counters (7)
16 Malign influencer (8)14 Characteristic features (9)
19 Boast about contacts (8)15 Workforce (8)
21 ..see 817 Means of transport (7)
23 Improved (8)18 Rules (7)
24 Military incursion (3,2,3)20 DoE’s ship (6)
25 In lieu of payment (2,4)22 Not like Diane Abbott’s belt! (5)
26 Investigate (8)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Winner of Crossword 165 and a GP mug Rick (Do contact me if you haven’t had your prize yet)

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2021

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 165


1 Cultural Marxist 9 Slenderly 10 Lunge 11 Idols 12 Sleigh bed 13 Runcible 14 Comedy 16 Icings 18 Chess set 22 Blemishes 23 Elite 24 Bitch 25 Validated 26 Stand one’s ground


1 Cashier 2 Lie down 3 Undistinguished 4 Aerosols 5 Mayhem 6 Religious leader 7 Ignoble 8 Tuesday 15 Thistles 16 Imbibes 17 Inertia 19 Shiatsu 20 Trended 21 Shaven

© Richard Puller 2021

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 166 & Answers to Number 165