On that day, the American people gave a new reason to remember, remember the 5th of November. Unlike the original Gunpowder Plot, the 2024 version succeeded, and blew the establishment/ruling class/elite all to hell. There was definitely a V for Vendetta vibe about this too. Ordinary people pushing back bigly against a censorious, over reaching & controlling regime. To put it in a more American idiom, it was Jacksonians Strike Back. A populist hoi polloi giving the finger to their alleged betters. And Trump is the closest thing to Andrew Jackson in American politics since the man himself some 200 years ago. In personality, surely.
Trump’s triumph represents an extreme act of will, and his vendetta against the establishment forces arrayed against him. Any normal person would have collapsed in the face of the multi-front war waged on him by the powers that be. Just as Andrew Jackson’s rage against the machine that he believed had done him wrong in 1824 drove him forward in 1828, through grim determination, Trump’s rage at the machine he believes did him wrong in 2020 propelled him to victory four years later. And as Jackson’s victory in 1828 was decisive and his loss in 1824 was extremely suspect, the same can be said of Trump in 2024 and 2020. And both men waged their campaigns in a fashion that violated contemporary rules of political decorum, to the outrage of their foes. Jackson transformed American politics for decades, but he had two consecutive terms to engineer this transformation. The nature of Trump’s political career – with his two terms interrupted by that of a regime placeholder – will make it more difficult for him to have the same effect. But it is almost certain that American politics and government will not be the same.
The Brains Trust (principally Obama) behind the Democrat Party election campaign thought they could compensate for a lack of merit and substance in their hand-picked candidate by doubling down on baseless inflammatory rhetoric, posturing as though they held the moral high ground, and resorting to their time-tested strategies of race hustling and identity politics. After all, Harris rose to the candidacy for president without any notable merit-based wins. She was viscerally crushed in the 2020 Democratic primary and was then picked for vice president— admittedly by Joe Biden — only because she was a woman of colour. And on November 5th the country’s “free market” of voters sent Democrats a reminder that meritocracy still rules the roost. Because Harris was such a grossly incompetent and downright phony candidate, the media’s efforts to cover for her were Herculean. This wasn’t a case of some slight liberal bias over the last few months; instead it was full scale outright lying, deceptive editing of Harris’ interview responses, blatant, one sided Marianna style fact checking , and a nonstop 24-hour cycle painting Donald Trump as the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Well, as we now know, the media “over-egged the pudding.” And then set the house on fire by leaving the oven on.
Apart from the Democrat Party – who will come back – the biggest losers in this ‘lection are the MSM. They laid bare their agenda, revealed their deep rooted connections with the Democrat Party, & in doing so sacrificed whats left of their credibility after just under a decade of hoaxes, outright lies, and biased journalism. The media (& I’m looking at you, BBC) took a blowtorch to the rest of its credibility, preaching about “defending democracy,” only to run cover for a candidate who never earned one primary vote. In hindsight, even the most delusional consultants in whatever focus group the Democrats have been using will be forced to recognize the blatantly disastrous nature of this campaign. Had they chosen any other candidate, the Democrats could have won. If they’d picked someone like Josh Shapiro as vice president, they could have won. If Harris could even recite three or four memorized 30 second lines that hinted at policy ideas with any coherence, they could have won. But instead, they relied on the media to paint public-relations lipstick on the pig of their campaign, hoping to save it — and America got wise to the scam.
And now, both the media and Democrats are back at square one. Democrats have alienated a significant portion of the centre-right, centre ,and centre-left due to their pandering to the radical left with their bizarre ideological positions. Meanwhile, the media has lost another huge segment of viewership and portion of the public trust. And the trust that has been eroded between the media and Democrats with the American public over the last four years will take a very, very long time to rebuild.
Its truly delicious to watch as the recriminations of the losers in 2024 – both in the Democratic Party and its media accomplices – have begun. It is quite a spectacle. Given the characters involved, unsurprisingly these recriminations have a strongly identitarian cast.
It was the white bitches that did it!………………… No! It was the misogynist black dudes! …………………No! It was the racist Latinos!
They still just don’t get it. They can’t accept that they created the 2016 Trump. He was a reaction to them.
Without them, he would not exist as a political force. The Biden interval only reinforced the popular disgust with the regime, and has powered Trump to a decisive victory in 2024.
Trump’s victory is a true & absolute repudiation driven by revulsion of a discredited regime. But the Democrat establishment cannot bring themselves to face this reality. Normal people would react to such a humiliating defeat by taking a hard look at themselves. But no. They live so far up their own arses that honest self-appraisal is impossible for them. Normal people would say: “How did we possibly lose to the worst person in the world, Mr. Literally Worse Than Hitler? We must really suck. A lot of people must really hate us.” But they are not normal people. They are in desperate need of a 12 Step Program – the first step of which is to admit one has a problem. But in their narcissism, they are constitutionally incapable of this.
So……….Failure to accept the situation will – on the one hand – delay, and quite possibly prevent, their political rehabilitation. And (Oh joy) it condemns us to additional years of hysterical (in the most neurotic sense of the word) ranting, obstructionism, and political lawfare.
TBF, Some leftists recognise all this. The Nation emotes “This Time We Have to Hold the Democratic Party Elite Responsible for This Catastrophe”:
“Democrats will need to radically reform themselves if they want to ever defeat the radical right. They have to realise that non-college-educated voters, who make up two-thirds of the electorate, need to be won over. They need to realize that, for anti-system Americans, a promised return to bipartisan comity is just ancien régime restoration. They need to become the party that aspires to be more than caretakers of a broken system but rather is willing to embrace radical policies to change that status quo. This is the only path for the party to rebuild itself and for Trumpism—which without such effective opposition is likely to long outlive its standard-bearer—to actually be defeated.”
Remarkable navel gazing. It’s almost as if they were anticipating this result………….
But the Democrats are not the only ones who need to have a Come to Jesus moment. The traditional Republicans need to change as well. The Grand Old Party is…………..old. The nation’s political polarity has shifted completely, and the traditional Republican base has flipped to Dem, and the traditional Democratic base has flipped to Rep. The Mitch McConnells et al need to be forced (they won’t go quietly) to back off away from the political trough, and new people that align with the current political realities must replace them. (J.D. Vance provides a good role model here).
The timing and the magnitude of the changes cannot be predicted with any precision. But as Churchill once said…………You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else……..
And when they do, remember, remember the 5th of November.
Because that was the catalyst of those changes.
© DJM 2024