Army vs Navy

President Donald Trump joins U.S. Army Cadets during the 121st Army-Navy football game Saturday Dec. 12 2020 at Michie Stadium at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point N.Y.

Bear with me Puffins. Murcan fitba. Have patience, your sanity will be preserved.

Most of us have probably heard of the NFL and their Superbowl. Well you can forget that. There is another league of the game known as gridiron. It is known as NCAA and consists of colleges fielding their own teams. As an aside this is where the NFL recruit their new players from. Oddly enough the Army, Navy and AirForce also compete at this level with their own teams and the odd one or two of their players gets recruited into the NFL. It would be tough to turn down all those millions they get paid.

Each year Army play Navy and by tradition the President has been known to attend. This year the game will be played on the 14th December and former President Trump will be present. I am not sure if the gaga President Biden will be there, if he does attend it will probably be to a rousing chorus of “Let’s go Brandon”.

I remember the 2019 game and President Trump was cheered to the rafters by both sides. It is quite a spectacle with the spectators all done up in their best uniforms. Small game you might think, not at all. College football gets crowds of up to 100,000 and this game is no exception. This year it will be played in Landover in the 91,000 capacity North Western Stadium, the home venue for the Washington Commanders (they are no longer the Redskins !).

The Donald was always popular with the military, he respected them, was always gushing with praise and they loved him for that. The present day armed forces have been having problems recruiting people. Ever since DJT said he is going to dismiss all tranny officers and I’m sure a few of the very politicised top brass will also get their marching orders, recruitment has begun to boom. The rank and file are making their feelings known.

I started scribbling this before the game, I shall finish it after the Donald has made his triumphal entrance. Well it wasn’t so triumphal, he was in an executive box with JD Vance, Daniel Penny and the apparently ever present Elon Musk. Of Creepy Joe there was no sign at all and there hasn’t been for the entirety of his Presidency. The prize for this game was the Commander-in-Chief Trophy. I had hoped that the former Commander-in-Chief might step out and present it but no such luck. It was a chilling 39°F, probably about 2 or 3°C.

In case anyone is interested the Navy won the game.

There was the usual razzamatazz that our cousins seem to love. When they sang the national anthem before the game they showed the Donald saluting, some of those below the box got rather excited when the President elect entered the box but I guess he had to stay where he was, protocol rules. Next year he will definitely be on the field where his military can show him the love they surely feel.

In contrast Obummer only attended one of these games during his eight years screwing up the country and there was me thinking he might enjoy the thought of a sailor or two even if Big Mike was not on board with it. After all the “Let’s go Brandon” chants it looks like Biden lost the appetite for these kind of events. As for our Keith he will probably soon end up like Sad Dick with a large escort of SUVs whenever he travels.

You may stumble across some clips showing the Donald on the pitch. They are clips from another game. (Ed I read this after buying the above image – without reading the caption. Doh!) All in all it was a bit of a letdown from my point of view but struggle on we must.

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