From Palestine to the JFK Assassination

Lyndon Johnson’s installation changed the geopolitical topography

  • JFK’s death was followed by his brother within five years; his son 36 years later
  • Killing Kennedy was not the main objective but to install Lyndon Johnson
  • The first unabashed, pro-Israel president would change geopolitical topography
  • Israel was a cog in the oil and war machine; Kennedys happened to be in the way
  • Robert Kennedy had reported positively on the Jewish march to Jerusalem in 1948
  • Dimona nuclear project was widely opposed, not just by JFK
  • Oil barons, Nazis, Cubans, Mob, Israel – all the perpetrators answer to big money
  • Whodunnit theories serve only to distract
  • While globalists hijack and invert the meaning of international law
AW Kamau, Going Postal
Minutes before the Kennedy assassination.
President Kennedy and motorcade,
Walt Cisco, Dallas Morning News
Public domain

The contrast could not be greater: A president who stood for independence, took a stance against war in Laos and Indonesia; against invading Cuba, against nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.

And now… the bureaucrats who occupy office in the West, who so clearly take orders and march in lockstep, willing to wage war on countries to steal their resources – or to genocide women and children for their land.

If this is progress, stop the train. I want to get off.

It is not just their inhumanity which tolerates any brutality. It is the obvious control of these bureaucrats by corporate and private interests. They are, it is fair to conclude, controlled by the successors of the same who killed the Kennedys.

As a senator in 1957 JFK spoke in support of Algerian independence from France and expressed support for African independence.

Not only is there a strong parallel with Palestine. The furore that followed, the outrage of the establishment and European imperialists, showed how broad the opposition was of those profiting from military and industrial colonialism in Africa.

They would assassinate the prime minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, just three days before JFK was inaugurated. On Nov 1, 1963, the Diem brothers, rulers of South Vietnam, were murdered by the CIA, tipping the scales towards broader U.S. involvement, which JFK opposed.

Before launching into a hagiography, however, consider that Kennedy faced re-election within a year, and the various lobbies and intelligence agencies could have derailed him. To assassinate him through a high-risk public execution was a statement intended for a broader audience. Kennedy was not the sole target.


The JFK assassination is obscured on many levels, beginning with the official narrative. The Warren Commission, like the Nine Eleven Commission, has been discredited even by other official inquiries – they found there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, and that World Trade Center 7 fell at freefall speed.

That does not stop the tame, orthodox version being repeated by historians, journalists and propagandists whose careers depend on its recital.

Such people repeat the Watergate narrative, and resolutely ignore that the “burglars” worked not for President Richard Nixon but for the CIA and FBI.

They churn out the vast majority of books on the subject, which are, frankly, worthless except to soothe the conscience of those too scared to let go of familiar stereotypes and shibboleths.

Next are the distractors and obsessives, who count the number of shell cases on the Grassy Knoll – intriguing but doing nothing to identify the perpetrators.

Finally, are the researchers. Some are unsung heroes like Sylvia Meagher who indexed the Warren Commission report, with its 552 witnesses, more than 3,100 exhibits and a total of more than 16,000 pages. It had been published in 1964 without an index, making it hard to cross reference.

Some of the pioneers, like Mae Brussell, put their lives on the line, and were the first to link the assassination to the post-war settlement, the penetration of Western intelligence by the survivors of the Nazi project, and behind them the syndicates of finance capital that manipulate the “reds and the blues.”

Any book needs a unique selling point, which drives authors to claim to have found a new perpetrator – a mafia boss, an oil state like Texas, an oil man with Nazi ties, the CIA or a previously unmentioned intelligence service, or Cuba or another country like Israel – as if these interests were somehow exclusionary.

In reality these different interest groups answer, at one level or another, to the same owner-investors and oiler-bankers. There is no reason to assume they are rivals. Temporal distance does not render a connection unlikely, rather it highlights the likely scale of scheming, over decades if not centuries.

Out of Palestine

I know of no town, no city that has been besieged for 18 years that still lives with the vitality and the force and the hope and the determination of the city of West Berlin.” – JFK, June 24, 1963.

He could have been speaking of Gaza! But that lay in the future.

In 1948 his brother Robert F Kennedy had filed newspaper reports from Palestine for the Boston Post. Aged 22, he travelled with Hagana fighters in a convoy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that April, a month before the proclamation of the state of Israel.

RFK took a positive view of the nascent state: Jews had “an undying spirit.” He wrote, “They will fight, and fight with unparalleled courage” – quite different to his father’s comment in 1942, that “there is a great undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the appointment of so many Jews in high places in Washington” when he was opposing the U.S. entry into WWII. Future prime minister Menachem Begin would later wonder publicly if Kennedy elder had poisoned his sons against Israel. [1]

With time RFK would become not pro-Israel but simply another political campaigner. He had during his brother’s administration tried to designate a precursor to AIPAC as a foreign agent. It would require a considerable spin from the media to portray him as a symbol of Israel worthy of assassination by the Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan on the first anniversary of the Six-Day War of 1967.

AW Kamau, Going Postal
Robert F. Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy speaking to a crowd,
Staff photographer, U.S. News & World Report:
Public domain

Doomsday option

At the start of the decade of the 1960s, President John F Kennedy had found himself at loggerheads with Israel, seeing its nuclear programme as a proliferation risk.

Kennedy pressured the government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to stop any military nuclear programme, particularly after stage-managed tours of the Dimona facility for U.S. government scientists in 1961 and 1962 raised suspicions within U.S. intelligence that Israel might be concealing its nuclear aims.

JFK had met Ben-Gurion on 30 May 1961. The latter used the technique of rapid patter to disguise his intentions.

Assistant Secretary of State Philips Talbot believed that he heard Ben-Gurion speed-mumble about a “pilot” plant to process plutonium for “atomic power” and also say that “there is no intention to develop weapons capacity now.”

The published transcript mentioned plutonium but not “pilot” or “weapons.” [2]

The Israeli PM believed that withholding the bomb endangered the very existence of the Israeli state. Kennedy sent letters to Ben-Gurion and his successor in June 1963 demanding immediate nuclear inspections, to be followed every six months. Ben-Gurion resigned, avoiding any response. His successor ignored a similar letter.

Five months later Kennedy’s death removed this thorn in Israel’s side. Lyndon Johnson would show no interest in Dimona.

Kennedy however was not uniquely a thorn. The East Coast WASP establishment was no friend of Israel, and the Christian Zionists as a political force lay in the future.

President Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, had discovered Israel’s nuclear programme in the summer of 1960. This caused consternation on the Israeli and the U.S. side – with Tel Aviv disguising the project as a textile factory. [3]

If both of the leading U.S. parties were opposed to Israel’s ambition, what to do?

Lyndon Baines Johnson was strongly pro-Zionist. His grandfather had lobbied on behalf of Leo Frank, manager of a pencil factory found guilty of murdering a 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan, in 1913 (contrary to Wikipedia’s assertion, there is no consensus that he was wrongfully convicted. That is a political statement, since Frank’s case gave rise to the founding of the Anti-Defamation League).

His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher was a member of the Zionist Organization of America, and said to be a strong influence. By some accounts LBJ had Jewish grandparents on his mother’s side (Webb, Barnett) and perhaps also on his father’s (Baines, Huffman). He apparently worked to secure visas for Jews fleeing Europe during WW2, who found refuge in a growing community in Galveston, Texas.[4]

He was not, however, a shoe-in as presidential candidate. Like the Kennedys he had mob connections but without the fresh-faced smile. JFK’s brother advised against putting LBJ on the ticket as vice presidential candidate, but JFK implied he was pressured in some way and had no alternative.

In a tight 1960 race, only the Kennedy influence in Illinois secured victory. But Johnson became next in line to be commander in chief.

Israel has been mentioned in recent years in the context of JFK’s assassination. Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s widow revealed in her autobiography that the future prime minister had been in Dallas “hours before” the assassination.

Johnson would commit high treason in the USS Liberty affair, but that may not be how he saw it. In any event, LBJ was the first to align U.S. policy with Israel.[5]

Like a volcanic eruption it reshaped the political landscape. In this context Nine Eleven was an aftershock, or a rock-fall, that blocked political exits and forced U.S. foreign policy down a particular path. It was Johnson’s installation, four decades before, that changed the geopolitical topography.


To read JFK’s assassination as the plot of an Agatha Christie potboiler is to miss the point.

If Israel’s rulers had a hand, that does not diminish the role of the CIA – and it makes more logical the role of the mob. The modern intelligence service was founded by bankers and government financiers – think of intel as tool of business as much as government. To this day the most powerful finance capitalists employ their own networks to detect opportunities and undermine rivals. Look to the origins of the Office of Strategic Services. There is no conspiracy theory about it.

Even Cuba is not what it seems. The CIA had put Fidel Castro into power in Cuba. This key piece of information changes completely the narrative of the Cold War and can be found in the interview of Stanley Monteith with the U.S. ambassador to Cuba of the time, Earl T. Smith.[6]

Cuba it seems was to play the role of bogeyman to a United States that lacked enemies upon its borders.

See U.S. Duplicity, From Brazil to Haiti (Nov 3, 2022)

As to the mob see, Organized Crime – Luxury beliefs, tyranny’s origins and fronting for the kosher nostra (Sep 22, 2021)

To bring things up to date: South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime in 1975, The Guardian reported. Shimon Peres, then Israel’s defence minister and now its president, responded by offering warheads “in three sizes.”

Another person involved in the South African nuclear project was Klaus Schwab of the Swiss Escher Wyss turbine company, later to take over the World Economic Forum.

This business was so embarrassing that Israeli authorities tried to stop South Africa’s post-apartheid government declassifying the documents revealed by U.S. academic Sasha Polakow-Suransky.

The existence of Israel’s nuclear weapons programme was revealed by Mordechai Vanunu to the Sunday Times in 1986. He provided photographs taken inside the Dimona nuclear site.

This month Israel’s tacit ally Turkey called out its unacknowledged nuclear programme. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Israel’s continued possession of nuclear weapons could heighten the nuclear arms race in the region, leading to an “unfavourable situation.”[7]


With Gaza, we discover who controls the media; that Western governments are not independent; that the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the European Convention on Human Rights mean little in practice.

Woe betides those one-worlders who think they no longer need God or sovereign nations. Once abandoned, they will find there is nothing out there. We see the brutality by which governments are willing to kill their own citizens. We see that the terrorist is, as in the French Revolution, more often than not the state.

All that governments can do is censor – they no longer make any pretence to truth; only force.

The Vietnam War was accompanied by ground-shaking social experiments on the part of the organs of state to undermine opposition to war.

Social engineers created the counterculture, with hippies, boy bands, LSD and the Summer of Love. The late Dave McGowan in “Walking the Moon Doggie” found that the timing of Moon shots coincided with the announcement of the worst battlefield losses – suggesting there may have been a deliberate effort at distraction.

The lockstep reaction of politicians and celebrities suggests that a lot of people are ensnared in Israel’s public relations operation.

We know that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein blackmailed hundreds if not thousands of influential individuals. Maxwell’s family has long connections with the Mossad. There is no evidence they were the only operatives, and the names of the compromised have not been released. That suggests that the operation is still ongoing.

Maxwell-Epstein directed the flow of donations, controlling “philanthropists” – for he was not a financier.

He appears to have blackmailed individuals, induced them to make donations to leading universities and research institutions, and then Maxwell-Epstein and their handlers got access to that research.

Now we see billionaire donors to universities – who likewise gain access, and a say in appointments – not only demand that faculty and students stand with Israel; prominent voices like Alan Dershowitz call for graduates who display solidarity with Palestine be denied future employment.

And all the time the state corporate media pushes one universal reality. Politicians insist until blue in the face that there is only one side to the story. Even among international institutions the pretence of impartiality is abandoned – as if all have been threatened or bought.

Yet every tragedy opens the eyes. Each tragedy is only the start; the change for better or worse.

Knowledge moves faster. It took decades for most people to see the public execution of JFK for what it was. After Nine Eleven, it took the best part of a decade for the story to fall apart. After Seven Seven, it was a matter of months. In Gaza, the narrative of the attacks and the justifications fell apart within days.

The faster information flows, the more that time speeds up, the more the noise from the box in the corner, the six o’clock news, becomes an anachronism; its claim to be the paragon of truth sounds ever more strained. Public faith in the “trusted voices” limps on, even while the narrative collapses. Yet like a relative who lets us down, they forfeit our trust.

Strange as it may seem, this teaches us positive lessons: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” and live not by lies.

JFK’s assassination, and that of his brother and son, teach us to live with uncertainty; not to put unwarranted trust in authority; and to know that bullies hide behind bullets.

In war, people do not lose their humanity… rather, they temporarily take off their masks.” – Political economist Layla Hatoum.


[1] Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2008 – Robert Kennedy’s 1948 Reports from Palestine
[2] Wilson Center – Kennedy, Dimona and the Nuclear Proliferation Problem: 1961-1962
[3] National Security Archive – The U.S. Discovery of Israel’s Secret Nuclear Project
[4] Jewish News, 2008 – Friend, ally, saviour: Revealing LBJ’s Jewish ties
[5] Donald Neff, 1996 – Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align U.S. Policy With Israel’s Policies
Jewish Press, Mar 2023 – LBJ: An Unheralded Holocaust Hero
[6] Stanley Monteith @ 14 minutes – Interview with U.S. Ambassador to Cuba Earl T. Smith (1957-59)
[7] TRT World, Nov 20, 2023 – Türkiye warns Israel’s possession of nukes could heighten nuclear arms race in region

Reproduced with permission
© Moneycircus 26th November 2023

© AW Kamau 2024