Crossword No. 104

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1 Lecturer takes time out to explain basic basalt rearrangement (11)2 Plenty of action with alto (1,3)
8 Pandemic caused by carnivorous activity (11)3 Sex act performed by Bob with owl on Johnson’s head! (4,3)
11 One: “I am a nut” (4)4 Part of breast on display in Tate (4)
12 This is a risky read! (4)5 “She nice” ends in diseased Asians (7)
13 Iran to bow to gay icon (7)6 Thunder heard in clouds (4)
15 IRA says it’s in northern Iraq (7)7 Anna almost squirted in isolation ward (11)
16 De-bug to get things moving (5)8 Christ disrupts vigil for Martin Luther King’s cause (5,6)
17 ‘Fiddler’ was from Reno (4)9 Silica enhances ‘fair’ Conservative – she’s for the chop! (11)
18 A RAF mission to China? (4)10 Pair treated to a trip back home… (11)
19 Snap tip of todger off in trousers (5)14 … from infected city via U.N. world health action initially …(5)
21 Time after time, it’s raining! (7)15 …used Gate A to smuggle ‘crystal’… (5)
22 Violet made pies for CIA… (7)19 … for traveller girl with a limp (topless) …(7)
23 …then takes seat for meal …(4)20 who piles it with ‘rocks’… (7)
26 … but Kate has it all! (4)24 … and pees all over German sailor (4)
27 Disclaimer: tip of penis covered in contraceptive gel (11)25 Labour leader supported IRA? You're kidding! (4)
28 Men in Greece are endlessly ready to come again! (2-9)26 White powder taken initially by Tory and Labour candidates (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug and keyring! Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner. 103 – JF.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 103

1 Wiedersehen 9 Chargrill 10 Adieu 11 So long 12 Thwacked 13 Leaver 15 Farewell 18 Gaussian 19 See you 21 One piece 23 Prague 26 Balsa 27 Telegraph 28 I haven’t got a

1 Wechsel 2 E-mail 3 Engineers 4 Spin 5 Holyhead 6 Nyasa 7 Roundel 8 Nickleby 14 Amusedly 16 Eyes right 17 Pancetta 18 Goodbye 20 Urethra 22 Iraqi 24 Guano 25 Clue

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 104 and Answers to Number 103