Crossword No. 139

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1&4 Ed: “Pert mothers get me hot fast” (5,8)1 It's nippy and wet - get Joe a fan ASAP! (3,2,5)
4 ..see 12 Broadcast about anti-hero? (2,3,3)
8 Ran riot with English leader at the front! (8)3 Republican leader embraces liberty – how would it end under Biden? (8)
9 ..see 114&15 It’s a right carry-on with pottery thrown over fence! (4,5,10)
11&9 Fully foreseeing the beneficial effects of onanism? (7,8)5 It’s a recipe to get stabbed (6)
13 Meghan sucks toe like a prostitute! (2,3,4)6 Owen, right, turned into a woman! (6)
15 ..see 47 Hearing will fade away (4)
18 Breaking story here: “used tip of willy for sin in sewer” (9)10 U.S. applies foot to E.U. unemployed (3,2,3)
21 Makes Labour leader consume a beer, no? (7)12 Republican leader likens Omar to hog in Sin City! (8)
22 Clue: shy ‘queen’ gives head – that’s messy! (8)14 Donald’s leadership has steel core – that’ll wake sleepy Joe up! (10)
24 Good fact about plague? (3,2,3)16 Rioting over a bit of pasta (8)
25 Pre-occupied by ‘babes’ fondling ‘rod’ (8)17 New lingo used by CEO? (8)
26 Americans commit sin all around California (5)19 Scars left if you turn us down (6)
20 It’s war! Let Reed give Trump the ‘treatment’ (6)
22 End of E.U.? Ask your bird! (4)
23 Diane Abbott’s waist measurement makes Republican leader’s day! (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

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Last week’s winner. 138 – Audrey’s Daughter.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 138


7 Isolate 8 Grifter 10 Mandelson 11 Eying 12 Nasty 13 Eye socket 15 Shergar 17 In brief 18 Testicles 20 Theme 21 Organ 23 And bear it 24 Samosas 25 Rustler


1 Youngsters 2 Fakery 3 Menswear 4 Egence 5 Time bomb 6 Etui 7 Immunisations 9 Right of centre 14 Keiser roll 16 Guinness 17 Insiders 19 Liaise 20 Teensy 22 Grin

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 139 & Answers to Number 138