Crossword No. 97

Bumper Christmas Edition

© Richard Puller 2019, Going Postal
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Brexit!
© Richard Puller 2019
12 Angela Rayner didn't make love at the beginning of Labour election shambles (1-6)1 PM almost gets blow job! (4)
13 Oi! Jar for ‘red’ (5)2 Neil is dead on January 31st (8)
14 Labour’s manifesto was a lot of noise! (8)3,5&9 Boris called ‘bigot extender’ (3,6,4)
15 Labour leader rods peers (5)4 Endless cat piss turns to jelly (5)
16 Unlucky Johnson gives head and causes din during topless sex! (6)5 ..see 3
17 Swinson’s on the left or right, Tory leader gets it! (3)6 Ho! Liberal Democrat initially retains seat (4)
18 Straight down the aisle? Yes! (6)7 Stains fade like Corbyn’s electoral dreams (10)
20 Prophet says “Hi” to Asia (6)8&29 The second “it’s happening” moment on election night up North! (5,6)
22 Harsh Tory leader delivers election result for Labour (6)9 ..see 3
24 Momentum activists starred in havoc (7)10 Mama is stinky! (6)
27 Corbyn was admired at the end (3)11 Is leader of Islamic Labour in terrorist group? (4)
30 Interrupt mid-pee? (6)19 Red MP quit, hater of Corbyn (5-4,5)
31 Labour postal vote fraud? – about ten of! (5)21 Warrior Republican leader’s aim for USA (7)
33 Rude word for ‘glans’ (5)23 Update entire Newcastle centre (5)
34 I’m a muslim leader (4)25 Election result? Hey! Git Major gets it! Yes! (6,8)
35 Topless squirt on ice – I’m not happy about that! (8)26 Abbott has no idea (5)
37 English leader’s word had crossed the Channel (5)28 No Tory voted by pigeon! (4)
38 Toilets full of entrails (8) 29 ..see 8
39 I had head from Johnson. I am revolting! (6)32 Stir broth (5)
40 Swinson spreads it about as Lilley grabs bra (9)34 Stupidly I do it: I join Conservatives (7)
42 Marx? It is a fictional system (6)36 Future relationship with EU? It is grand! (7)
44 I give lip to Celt - she’s round the bend! (8)40 Left cheer for Prince Andrew (6)
46 Worshipped coins (5)41 Brahms’s mate down the pub? (5)
48 Johnson’s ‘tip’ erected and went off (8)43 Epic! Sick end for socialist’s termination (3,4)
49&58 A big, lonely future Labour leader? (4-6)45 Saggy will lose about nothing (5)
50 North made a change (5)46 Tory leader: “Yes I frowned at SNP’s demand” (10)
51 Duo to rise above it (5)47 Turning Yoko for Faggotry Friday… (2-3)
52 Change into a red tie (2-4)48 … for nothing up top! (4)
54 Called the cops initially for Boris’s impeachment (3) 53 The first “it’s happening” moment on election night in the studio (4,4)
55 Postage for SNP’s campaign team? (7)56 Labour leader is toast as votes are added (6)
57 Boris’s initial fear about UKIP’s following: “It’s building quickly” (6)58 ..see 49
59 David Lammy hit Conservative leader, OK? (6)60 Cherie: Boris’s top is hot! (5)
62&65 Whiff of Scot when Swinson’s on TV (6,3) 61 Abbott gets ‘hi’ on pop (5)
65 ..see 6263 Drip pee on Watson’s head (4)
66 Queen’s lover places lip on hip (6)64&66 Pinnacle of Tory gains in the Midlands on election night? (4,4)
67 Dribble from Labour leader’s lips (5)66 ..see 64
70 Symbol of snowflakes’ sorrow at Tory taking Leigh (8)68 Remainers have lots of this (4)
71 He breaks law like Abbott (5)69 Weapon of choice for Ugandan, Zimbabwean and Iranian leaders (3)
72 Final letters raise my pulse about crosswords! (7)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a Christmas puffin mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Christmas Day subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last weeks’ winner. 96 – Audrey’s Daughter.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2019

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 96

1 Leadership 6 Ebbs 10 Saudi 11 Oven ready 12 Margaret 13 Norma 15 Epicure 17 Adamant 19 Nannies 21 Daywear 22 Nehru 24 Thatcher 27 Falklands 28 Crash 29 Lead 30 Scattiness

1 The nation 2 Endless 3 Has spoken 4 Gorge 5 Expires 6 Steam 7 Unfulfilled 9 Postal votes 14 Mass media 15 Tarmacked 17 Chianti 18 Kestrel 20 Actor 21 Gates

© Richard Puller 2019

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 97 & Answers to Number 96