It happened a couple of weeks ago. I was feeling rather disconsolate. Deflated. Depressed, even. As I watched our freedom slip away, largely unremarked by the mainstream media who were busy frothing over The Next Thing, I’d had enough of words and wanted to do something. But what?
The turmoil of the working week takes its toll. A sleepy market town in a part of the map saying ‘There be Dragons’ is not an obvious place for Yellow Boards. I’d tried taking a Stand in the Park but there were only ever three of us and when it rained it all felt a bit Macbeth-ish. The idea of local influence hit the buffers when I discovered I would have to make an appointment to attend a Parish Council meeting and wear a mask. My twinkle was bushed. (Note to Ed: Not filth.)
Then it happened. Call it chance, or fate, or one of those interesting coinkydinks we read about so much, I stumbled across a stunning idea: a petition with a difference. I simply buy a professionally printed petition postcard (pictured below) with a pre-printed message, stick on a stamp and post it to King Charles III. What could be easier?

The message is simple, too. It reminds King Charles that he swore a solemn oath at his recent coronation to preserve our right to govern ourselves under the unrepealed Bill of Rights (1689) and common law, and never to surrender any power over our nation to any international body. It asks our monarch to withhold his Royal Assent from any legislation or, crucially, any other measure which cedes sovereignty to the World Health Organisation (WHO) or any other international body.
The petition is open to all British men and women which, if you think about it, includes people transitioning since those are still their destinations. It is not open to other species (sorry, Pepe and White Cat), foreign nationals or aliens. The little green people have probably taken one look at our crazy, mixed-up world and opted to Go Home. I know I would.
For a moment I felt like I imagine Archimedes must have felt when looking up from loofah-ing his back, or possibly God on the First Day. I was not the only one who felt that spark; some 200 other people pledged their support to the petition organisers that same day. Why? Because the idea ‘has legs’ and the threat is very real.
The threat is real
Our government gave provisional approval in May 2021 to the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and its accompanying International Health Regulations, without any debate in Parliament. This would give unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats unprecedented and unlimited power to declare a worldwide health pandemic and also to force our government to bring in more lockdowns, more masks, compulsory vaccination and even close our national borders (although I doubt even that would stop the dinghies).
Unless our government revokes its provisional agreement by 27 November 2023, these totalitarian powers assumed by the WHO will take effect from 27 May 2024.
Even more alarming, in May this year the WHO published a further document, the WHO CA+ Bureau Draft which, if implemented, would result in a highly centralised global public health governance, enable the creation of a pandemic industry to profit from public health emergencies and, under Article 18, give the WHO powers to monitor and censor dissenting voices.
No one should have this kind of power, least of all the former second-in-command of the militant Marxist Tigray People’s Liberation Front, no matter how snazzy he looks in shorts.
It gets worse. In May, North Korea won a seat on the WHO Executive Board allowing Kim Jong Un to influence the WHO’s agency, policies and appointments. In June, the WHO announced it will adopt the EU’s digital Covid-19 certification aka vaccine passports. This, it claims, “is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” Obvs.
Previous postcard success
The pen, they say, is mightier than the sword. It’s certainly easier to carry about, especially these days. Easier than a pitchfork, say; even an unsharpened one could be troublesome on the Tube… but I digress. The organisers of the Petition the King Campaign, Graham Wood and his colleague Anthony Bennett, Editor of the British Church News, ran a previous ‘purple postcard’ campaign when the EU demanded that we and other EU nations sign up to a European Constitution. Thousands of postcards addressed to our late Queen flooded into Buckingham Palace totalling some 210,000 in the end. Within months, the UK government agreed that we should not accept an EU Constitution and, soon after, the EU was forced to drop the idea. I believe this current campaign can be even more successful.
A letter went to the Palace, coincidentally on the fourth of July, as a courtesy to inform King Charles III of this new campaign. There’s a copy of it on the campaign website at and I urge you to read it; it’s a cracker.
What’s the point?
I can hear some Puffins muttering, “What’s the point of sending a sodding postcard? Chuck’s a paid-up member of the WEF.” To you, I say this: we don’t really know what the King thinks, only what we’re told by intermediaries. We don’t know how much he’s been brainwashed or what advice he’s being given. If it’s anything like the advice we now know comes from the politicised Whitehall machine, then we urgently need to voice our concerns directly to him because they won’t. They don’t know and probably care less.
At the very least we will discover whether we have a real monarch, one who is prepared to uphold our rights, our Constitution and our law, or one who is merely a tourist attraction, a picture on a tea towel or a biscuit tin. If it’s the latter – and I really hope it isn’t – then I think this postcard petition could put our new King in a pickle; I may be a monarchist but loyalty is a two-way street.
It’s a numbers game
The success of this campaign depends on numbers. Fifty thousand postcards would be hard to ignore, but what about 250,000 – or even more? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Please join me and support the ‘Petition the King Campaign’ by spreading the word and buying as many postcards as you can manage to give to friends or sell on. They are available by emailing (This link will open your email client and default the email address) and priced very reasonably at:
- 10 cards for £2.50
- 20 cards for £4
- 40 cards for £7
- 100 cards £14
- 200 cards £25
Please enquire for bulk order prices.
The only extra cost is a stamp. You could even save on postage if you get your friends to sign them, pop a load in an envelope and post them all together – that’s my plan.
Puffins and lurkers, let’s make our voices heard. Let’s flood the Palace with postcards telling our King that he cannot give our sovereignty away. (twinkles) GQ will make you do it!
© Twinkle 2023 Images courtesy of the Petition the King Campaign