Crossword No. 78

© Richard Puller 2019, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2019
1 Canals & Rivers Trust bounced in to shut stream bed? (3,3,7)2 Hairy Republican leader: “EU is shit” (7)
10 Republican sulker only reads the comments (7)3 Diane needs to be tied (4)
11 Finishes off inside Racquel! (7)4 Sam lays turd on side of dinner plate (7)
12 Avoid Huns (4)5 Sit down on glue – it’s a hideous sight! (7)
13 Break in at Greggs? (5)6 Kit (Conservative) is OK (4)
14 Leaders of Conservatives have a vacation from commons (4)7 Hero uses gun to get abrasive (7)
17 Conservative in denial about glacier position (7)8 Spastic trawls for rubbish in the sea (7,6)
18 Bun for Korean leader, not on pot (3,4)9 Sell shares in aviation strip (13)
19 Down and out, Ian Duncan Smith seeks work (4,3)15 If Ray is trans… (5)
22 Puts palm on ass and excites gases! (7)16 … he plays with legs apart! (5)
24 Fart on a li-lo? (4)20 I don't believe in endless defiling (7)
25 Top-heavy bum on ox (5)21 Democrat nut, carrying owl, is not my type! (7)
26 It’s not nits (4) 22 Plodding cops take in air (7)
29 Dawdled around Diane Abbott’s ‘entry’ (7)23 Man’s gut squeezed into American car (7)
30 Havoc: Adolf uncovers Waitrose Essential! (7)27 Mug Labour leader – he’s not happy! (4)
31 Greta is engaged in a technical game (7,6)28 Fatso abandoned by Tory chair (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug of your choice, or GP beer mats. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm tomorrow subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last weeks’ winners. tbd.

Swiss Bob, Going Postal

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 77

1 Priti Patel 6 Adam 10 Stern 11 Splinters 12 Glaciers 13 Romeo 15 Lasagne 17 Sex shop 19 Barclay 21 Coconut 22 Sajid 24 Bull’s eye 27 Invasions 28 Amour 29 Ends 30 Ostensible

1 Post 2 Idealiser 3 Ionic 4 Austere 5 Enlists 7 Dream 8 Miscompute 9 Anorexic 14 Plebiscite 16 Gold dust 18 Honeycomb 20 Yobboes 21 Celeste 23 Javid 25 Spads 26 Arse

© Richard Puller 2019

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 78 & Answers to Number 77