Here’s my Christmas recipe.
500g White chocolate broken into squares
250g mascarpone cheese
250ml full cream milk
Sachet gelatine
2 tablespoons instant coffee
2 tablespoons of dark rum
Microwave the milk and chocolate to melt. Add to macaroni (Ed, mascarpone?) with the gelatine (also melted). Mix.
Split the mixture into two equal halves. Add the coffee and rum to one half of mix, combine, then pour this into a narrow lightly oiled tin/mould – a small rectangular bread tin will do.
Put in freezer until firm.
Add the white mix layer, cover with cling film to set in the fridge overnight.
To serve, carefully immerse tin for a few seconds only in boiling or very hot water then put serving dish over and upend to turn out. Leave in fridge.
I decorate with chocolate coffee beans and some silver balls for a more festive look. Serve slices with cream or a fruit coulis.
© LetEnglandShake 2016