A View From The Farmhouse, Part Five
A frustrating few weeks with so much cold and wet weather. Two recent storms have stripped the fruit trees and blown part of the roof off the derelict cottage opposite the house. I have been [more…]
A frustrating few weeks with so much cold and wet weather. Two recent storms have stripped the fruit trees and blown part of the roof off the derelict cottage opposite the house. I have been [more…]
Work is ongoing to make more vegetables plots, obtain manure for the ones we have and keep the composting going. I will add another bin to the three recently built and establish a place for [more…]
‘Had we but World enough and time, This coyness lady were no crime………………. But at my back I always hear time’s winged Charriot hurrying near: And yonder all before us lye Deserts of vast eternity……………………’ [more…]
Tons of soil (h/t Dr Spooner) The farm was bought by my English friend for an amount about the same as the cost of a reasonable terraced house in an English Northern town. In all, [more…]
This is the first of an occasional series looking at life in Northern France in general and plotting progress with the farm. Setting the scene: Here in rural Lower Normandy things move at a slow [more…]
Following on from my previous sketch “Life in a Hungarian Village” I thought I’d expand on it for any Puffins that may interested in hearing a little more about life in Hungary from an ex-pat [more…]
Our village is situated in Vas County, the far west of Hungary close to the Austrian border and is surrounded by forest and agricultural land. Although we can see the Alps in the distance this [more…]
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