Where have all the CEOs gone?

“Boardroom” by TChapman9 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

According to NBC News, if you choose to place any faith whatsoever in the corrupt and corporatised media, over 1300 CEOs left their post just before the outbreak of the “Pandemic” in 2020 [1]. This, on the face of it, is a staggering statistic, especially while considering that the relatively small and elitist swimming pool of top international “Blue chip” companies is contained within the Fortune 500. Once again we are at the crossroads of decision; what exact inhabitants would we expect to find within those privileged, deep blue, temperature controlled waters – human or shark? The theories surrounding this “Mass migration” of the “Great and the good” are many, some believe it is down to being pre-warned about the “Pandemic”, some due to the forthcoming “Great Reset”. Others seem to think an upcoming – yet still to be manifested – common and garden global financial crash was the trigger. Personally, I think the reason is multi-faceted, whilst each of these reasons on their own is a perfectly reasonable hypothesis, it is not until you combine them all with certain other volatile ingredients do you get the right mix. Some of those additional ingredients I would draw attention to include the area of complex systems, Just In Time delivery (JIT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Just for a moment, I would like you to humour me. Suppose, just suppose, the “Pandemic” has got nothing to do with a virus, and everything to do with changing, permanently, the global social order that has reigned since the previous industrial revolution. How would you go about this? Don’t forget we are working at a global and international level here, and we need to have 100% (or as close as possible) “Buy in” from all the divergent and independent “Stakeholders”. Any stragglers can be mopped up either using the assassins bullet, war, regime change, or blackmail. The first thing that we have got to accept is that change does not happen overnight. If we were to disclose our true motives and goals prematurely, people would immediately baulk at our ideology and quite rightly, dismiss it as totalitarian and fascist. On that basis, we have to accept that progress will be slow, winning key battlegrounds over generations rather than by any immediate, instantaneous and obvious revolution. That comes later, and is the penultimate step to complete dominion. Ideally what we want to do is to infiltrate every organisation with “Our people”, but even then we must be careful not to startle the horses too much by placing too many obvious advocates in place, otherwise the excessive change will threaten to overwhelm the organisation and the natural dynamics will be adversely affected. This would be undesirable, as it would draw attention to our plan, and we want everyone to be looking elsewhere at all times. Preferably, we want our “Trojan horse” to be unidentifiable from everyone else, blending in, lurking like a quiet sleeper cell until the unequivocal call to arms is made and then all Hell breaks loose. By that time, it will be too late for any real remediation, as every traditional guard rail and safeguard will have been compromised and is now effectively under our control. We will have, realistically, “Hollowed out” every key organisation in question, having driven out any “Old guard” either through natural wastage, deliberate subterfuge, or the removal of key individuals who are cognisant of what is happening and remain a permanent thorn in our flesh. I would like you, dear reader, to hold that last thought aside for a moment. For it is key to exactly what is going on, and explains why there are some very strange distortions currently occurring in the labour market.

Secondly, it is imperative that we maintain the pretence that everything is OK, yet at the same time we need to distract and control the masses from scenting any whiff of subterfuge. This is preferably accomplished via an existential and external fear of sickness and death, as this route immediately abandons rational thought and causes sufficient moral panic to subdue the masses, allowing them to accept our governance – while at the same time – being a matter that few can realistically do anything about. To allow this would be foolish in the extreme, as it would not only undermine our authority, it would potentially open the door to the concept that our rule is not necessary as talented individuals – not global government – can solve problems more effectively. This is why we must persistently endeavour to harvest all the praise for “Our solutions and progress”, while simultaneously demonising and blaming the masses. A guilty population is a compliant population, and it is imperative that we continually hammer home this distracting and corrosive narrative while we quietly haul away the broken rubble of their institutions, for the last thing we want is for the individual to peek behind the curtain. Nuclear war, communism, increased crime, economic devastation, AIDS, the war on drugs, rich versus poor, Covid19, climate change, an invasion by aliens or destruction through an asteroid colliding with planet earth. It matters not what the line is, it is crucial that the narrative – effectively a cultural shibboleth – is subscribed to. For if you don’t believe it, you are either “One of us” or an enemy of the state.

Thirdly, we need to be extremely careful how and when we start pushing over these hollowed out institutions, for once this process is started, people will genuinely and very quickly panic, for indeed their “World” is about to coming crashing down around their ears. The beauty of this process is that quite naturally, we absolve ourselves of any responsibility. The “Narrative” was the reason for the catastrophic failure, and we can use this as leverage for further draconian change. Timing is everything, and an awful lot of coordination, communication and discipline will be required to pull off this sleight of hand successfully. It is essential that we “Hollow out” our targets sufficiently that they maintain the pretence that they are functioning, yet at the same time, will collapse like dominoes when pushed from the top. How can this “Miracle” be achieved? The answer has already been given. Complex systems, JIT and AI.

The former two actors are well documented within professional circles, and I will attempt to explain their critical importance to our scenario here. The latter, however, is shrouded in secrecy and is subject to countless patents, intellectual property claims and is the stomping ground of the deep state, the military industrial complex, academia, and the scientific community. It is, in effect, the Manhattan project of our age, and once again, if the general populace were to be told exactly what is involved, there would be an outcry and calls for abandoning such research. The majority of noise surrounding this subject is clearly designed to mislead, even amongst the IT community very little is known except what is spouted by the usual talking heads. We are led to believe AI will just be another “Supercomputer”, but that is highly misleading. The goal is some form of hybrid, a living entity that is part technological universe, part natural living being. As such, it will be neither human nor computer, and the horrific vision of “Chipped” individuals is a minor, and relatively inconsequential manifestation of that union. What would we end up with if we successfully coupled the human brain in real time to a quantum computer that is exponentially quicker and more powerful than any of our current generation of computers? What would happen if we connected every computer in the world as a “Slave” to this “Master” device? What is currently touted as AI, machine learning, is a different beast altogether. Generally driven by a database, such systems, whilst appearing intelligent, are not conscious nor truly autonomous. Nor are they a mixture of flesh, electronics and software. Corrupt the database, turn off the power, and all you have is a useless heap of precious metals and programming. Create such a device as the human-computer hybrid on the other hand, and you have immediately crossed an ethical and moral boundary. I am a firm believer that computers on their own, are incapable of conscious thought. They have no conscience or consciousness, and as such, are relatively benign. Once you start adding interfaces and sensors, you can demonstrate a semblance of intelligence, but until you add consciousness, you will not have a truly sentient device. Such are the horrors and the goals of the transhumanism movement, something that will very quickly come to the forefront in this “New age”.

Let us take a step back though – How can we go about bringing such exponential change, yet maintaining a semblance of normality until the time comes to “Push the button” so to speak? The answer lies in the very nature of complex systems, and an excellent example of this is JIT. Developed by the Japanese as a key methodology to expand their automotive sector along with customer service and quality control, it has been adopted by businesses worldwide. Everything from Tesco to Amazon runs on a JIT model, and it is vital to understand the process if you are to get a grip on why this seemingly innocuous business process will have a major impact on our lives very shortly. The fundamental part of this process is the importance of partnership, and it is essential for this model to work that as a manufacturer, for instance, we have 100% trust in our upstream and downstream suppliers. This is vital, far more than any other traditional process, for a number of reasons. Firstly, the name of the game is efficiency and there is virtually no slack in the system to accommodate any problems. Secondly, you, the manufacturer, will be a JIT client of someone else. If your output or quality is restricted for whatever reason, this will have an immediate knock on effect on the rest of the supply chain. Thirdly, and this is the most important factor, the system will always be a trade off between excess redundancy and risk. So for instance, using a car manufacturer as an example, we can start to understand why complex systems are so important to our understanding. A typical car has 30,000 parts according to Toyota [2], and for arguments sake, let us assume that equates to 3,000 downstream suppliers, each providing 10 parts for the vehicle. We know that certain parts are highly specialised, say the instrumentation. Due to this design constraint, a manufacturer may only be able to produce one component, and as this is so specialised, there may only be 4 or 5 suppliers worldwide due to complexity and competition. So whereas a manufacturer may supply nuts, bolts, clips and fasteners, due to the simplicity of design, there may be hundreds of suppliers. Furthermore, as each part is delivered to order, there is no stock kept on site. Why have a packet of screws eating into your profits, you cannot charge them rent. This results in the current scenario where car manufacturers cannot complete their vehicles due to a lack of computer chips. One can argue that this is down to pandemic, but in my opinion, it is just a manifestation of the vulnerability of JIT and globalisation. Many will remember the historical memory chip shortages for personal computers, this was so bad that thieves would break into premises and steal them, leaving the computers behind. I will leave the reader to decide if this current shortage is indeed down to a virus, or if something more nefarious is the true reason. Globalisation has driven chip manufacture to the East, and we are highly vulnerable to supply chain disruption should they, for whatever reason, decide not to sell to us. This systemic weakness is demonstrated throughout the economic model of the West, we are now so utterly dependent upon the manufacturing capacity of the East we are effectively at their mercy. The tragedy is it has taken the West generations to realise that exporting our intellectual property, technology and indeed employment has created a national security vulnerability that is as great, if not greater, than an armed invasion.

In the final analysis, the global supply chain is a highly vulnerable complex system, which up until now, with few isolated exceptions, has operated almost flawlessly. To my understanding, there have only been two major threats to this model in recent times, the 1970’s oil crisis and the Year 2000 (Millennium bug) scenario. Both of these scenarios had the potential to completely wreck the West if taken to their natural conclusion, and both times we fortunately had a “Near miss” and were pulled from the brink. The oil crisis morphed into the green movement, building support on the basis of “Greed” demonstrated by big oil, while pandering to the ecology and clean air movement. The Y2K scenario was a different beast altogether, while many thought this was a flash in the pan, it was a genuine threat as a substantial number of legacy systems were vulnerable to the software flaw. What really happened was it was used as a transformation agent to bring organisations into the Internet age. With the removal of legacy systems that generally were not designed with the Internet in mind, it was the first specification any IT engineer had at the time when replacing these systems. What we are facing now is far worse than either of these two scenarios.

Firstly, we are now considerably more interconnected than we were in the ‘70’s or ‘00’s. In those generations, email, video conferencing and indeed “Deep partnership” between business sectors were unheard of. Ever wonder why the incessant drive for standardisation, quality control, common metrics between even disparate business? This was not about the consumer or the product, rather it was to allow interchangeability between producers on a global scale. Provided everyone was reading from the same script, your car built in Cologne would be identical to your car built in Karachi. The only difference would be the increase in profit due to lower wages, and this could be disguised to a certain degree by remaining “Competitive”. What happens though once you have optimised the system to the peak of efficiency? Like the Laffer curve, efficiency is a bell curve. You cannot overcome the natural atrophy of a chaotic universe, and too much efficiency starts to become counter productive. Or to put it another way, work always expends energy and will involve loss as it will never be 100% efficient.

Where we are positioned now is the descending side of that bell curve. Having driven virtually every inefficiency out of the system, we have now reached “Pay dirt” where the most inefficient component in the system – man – is globally considered the threat to the survival of an elite few. This, manifested by the immoral belief that we “Useless eaters” need to be culled, is rooted in the seemingly logical extrapolation that there are insufficient resources for all of mankind to achieve the same living standards as the West. Such beliefs have always been with us, even the “Keynesian” Malthus toyed with this theory, yet the improved production of the industrial revolution prevented his worse fears from realising. Mankind has proven time and time again that it is adaptable; necessity is inevitably and frequently the mother of invention. Where the biggest risk lies is not the genuine creatives or entrepreneurs who selflessly and willingly give their all for the benefit of everyone, but a hardened and selfish minority who are determined to concentrate their power, wealth and knowledge not only for their own benefit, but for their despotic amusement in the form of our slavery.

What globalisation has achieved is a deeply dangerous scenario where the natural boundaries between rich and poor, civilised and barbaric, educated and uneducated have been dissolved completely. While it has permitted a modest increase in living standards for both developed and undeveloped nations, this is but a temporary illusion. The full sulphurous miasma is only just beginning to reach the nostrils of the rich, with traces intermittently reaching the general populace. For the truly super rich, the 1% of the 1%, such matters are of little consequence. In the current madness, being a multi-millionaire is effectively poverty, to be really rich, you need to be a billionaire. Such fortunes are not made in the casino nor through entirely honest endeavour. It goes without saying that corners will have been cut, taxes avoided, ethical minefields bridged over. The common theme of globalisation is the concentration of more and more into the hands of less and less. One global food supplier, one global telecommunications provider, one global pharmaceutical provider – On and on the cycle goes, concentrating the power into the hands of fewer and fewer individuals. In doing so, far from providing more accountability it provides less and less, anyone challenging the system of any corporate behemoth will testify to this. In the 1956 book “The power elite”, C Wright Mills states that together with the military and political establishment, leaders of the biggest corporations form a “Power elite” that is in control of the U.S. [3]. I would suggest that if we were to be truly objective at the close of 2021, this elite has indeed conquered the military and political establishment. Having now done so, the disastrous economic and sociological consequences are inevitable. We are entering a new age of serfdom, and final warning siren prior to the demolition of the current structure has started to sound.

So what is this “Blue touch paper” event that will lead to this global collapse, also known as the “Great reset” or “Building back better”? It is the loss of anywhere between 15 and 75 percent of the global workforce through either enforced vaccine mandates, illness, or flight to better employment prospects? While the latter figure is an extreme example, in certain sectors, especially where there a lot of baby boomers approaching retirement, who would put up with an increasingly authoritarian and totalitarian business regime when warm slippers, an armchair and a pipe beckons? Who will be willing to put up with a stressful, minimum wage job in social care, with all the attendant responsibilities, to be herded like a chicken, sheep or cow through an enforced vaccination and continual testing regime? What happens when a significant number of front-line essential workers decide they have had enough, be they paramedics, policeman, fireman or pilots? While such distortions are clearer in the USA with their enforced vaccine mandate for employers of over 100 individuals, Europe and the UK are not far behind. It is clear while the exact letter of the law varies between nations in a vain attempt to hide a common agenda, the spirit is identical.

Hence why all these CEO’s are taking their money and running. As captains of their individual fiefdoms, they understood exactly how complex, intertwined and indeed vulnerable their organisations and society are to such a massive artificial distortions of the employment market. Combine this with economic turmoil, a self inflicted energy crisis, a genuine increase in disease (due to mass vaccination) and you develop a very bearish outlook indeed. I will quite safely predict one thing having worked with complex systems for many years now. Engineers and designers do everything they can to build in sufficient redundancy and fail-safes to compensate for when a system breaks down, so that it does so in a predictable and controlled manner. Inevitably though, it is the so called “Black swan” event, or to quote Donald Rumsfeld, the “Unknown unknowns” that will be the harbinger of doom. Often, those qualified to do so have warned about these issues for some time and been ignored or dismissed. It is very rare that a system collapses without those close to the action not knowing exactly what has gone wrong beforehand. What form the exact straw will be to break the back of the global camel remains unclear, but removing a substantial quantity of experienced individuals from throughout the employment pool is clearly not a recipe for success.

When the mega-rich start cashing in and heading for the hills, or rather their underground bunkers, luxury yachts or private islands, it is time to take notice. Something is afoot, and be it plague, pestilence or poverty, they sure as hell want to be as far away from the man on the Clapham omnibus as they possibly can be when it happens. For as sure as day follows night, they will certainly not only have the the sound of a fiddle in their ears and stench of Roman smoke on their togas, but the blood of many innocents as well. Such is the bravery, wisdom and character of our current crop of “Leaders”. They say a fish rots from the head down. If that is indeed true, we are only just beginning to smell the true stench of decay.


[1] NBC News – Why have more than 1,300 CEOs left their post in the past year?
[2] How many parts in a car?
[3] C Wright Mills

© Rookwood 2021