A New Dark Age, Part Two

Godfrey Bloom, Going Postal
“dark ages” by Marin Nikolov is licensed under CC BY 2.0

A couple of years ago Going Postal were kind enough to publish My article A New Dark Age. Things were bad then & I knew they would get worse.

What I didn’t know was how quickly; I leave aside here North America & western Europe which are similar basket cases.

A nation, most nations, are formed by its people, religion, history  traditional values & institutions.

Collapse of these heralds the end of the nation state as we understand it.

Broadly I would argue humankind develop a bond of love for their immediate fellows which is close family. It is the historical tie recognised globally & transcends religion, customs & institutions.

When the family unit is displaced by any artificial interloper society begins to crumble.

Communism, fascism & globalism are quite open about their blueprint to subsume fundamental birthrights.

In order to achieve these goals the nation State must be destroyed. Not by military power but by the destruction of the foundation of the existing nation State.

I restrict myself here to the United Kingdom, although the principles apply certainly throughout the Anglosphere.

I examine the assault on our institutions one by one.

I concede readily the right of the reader to disagree with the order of precedent.


The principles of English Law have been established over many centuries (forgive me leaving aside Scottish Law on which I claim no expertise)

Our legal system is based on Common & Statute Law. Common Law is based on centuries of common sense. The judgement down the years of the many, judges & juries loosely built on the foundation of experience of our forebears. Its strength is the test of time & wisdom of the many.

It is superior in quality to statute Law which is the product of the law makers of the day.  So Statute Law is by definition like the Curate’s Egg. (Only good in parts).

To rescind Statute Law is complex, usually political & so it tends to be amended rather than rescinded, in short it ends up a dog’s breakfast & playground for expensive lawyers.

Let me remind everyone of the legal observation now close to one hundred years old

“Justice is that which is deemed to be fair by the man on the Clapham Omnibus” (attributed 1932 Hall v Brooklands Auto Club)

Who could disagree that the English legal judicial system has long since abandoned this superb ‘obiter dicta’?

The reader of this piece who has had the benefit of a traditional education will have their own opinion as to the priorities of the English Legal maze, but for me a few of the following are mine.

Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, no cruel or unusual punishment, trial by one’s peers, the right to free speech, the definitive separation of the judiciary, government, criminal & civil law.

Remember criminal law requires ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ for a conviction.

Civil law, the balance of probability.

You will have your own views but one might argue all principles are equally valid.

Ponder if you will if the principles meet modern political statute law justice.

Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson, sentencing policy for child rapists, arrests for silent prayer, the current assault on free speech, differing sentencing policy for identical crimes based on ethnicity & many more.

Bear in mind English Law is the shield for the citizen, it is not a stick with which to beat him. NOBODY is above the law.


Education is absolutely vital to a nation. Reflect if you will on the Scottish education system of yesteryear. In the 1800s & early 1900s probably the best in the world.

Albeit aided by the facility of empire the number of great engineers, physicians, philosophers, academic institutions, politicians, businessmen, philanthropists & soldiers.  Out of all proportion to that country’s small population.

Scotland as a nation understood the value of a traditional education.

Look now at the appalling decay in British education. The politicisation of our classrooms. The indoctrination of pupils in pseudo science, British history & English literature.

The current government have also made it more difficulty to withdraw from the state system with 20% VAT on private educational fees ( THE ONLY COUNTRY IN EUROPE TO TAX EDUCATION IN ANY FORM)

Parents now have to take their children out of private education even though they pay their share of the state education budget.

Tony Benn’s brilliant dissertation on this still available on YouTube, he explains the government, any government, wants an uneducated & fearful nation to make it easy for them to impose their will. Government plays the role of saviour when in reality it is the oppressor.

Witness the absurd promotion of an apolitic future for the planet based on pseudo science.*

The failure to acknowledge the magnificent  contribution made by Britain to the modern world in the field of science, law, engineering, medicine & many others, concentrating only on historic mistakes of which all great powers make.

Remember globalist want to destroy the nation state what better way than to denigrate its history?



Joseph Stalin’s pathological hatred of small farmers chimes with Starmer’s the disciple of that evil man whose knowledge of rural affairs is ironically net zero.

His spiteful inheritance tax on farms will preclude the passing of the family farm to the son or daughter.

Bill Gates is the biggest landowner in the USA, add BlackRock & Vanguard & you see the future.

Huge corporate farms linked with experimental science, Bovaer & such, ironically totally hostile to the environment in every way.

How terrifying to see Number Ten’s open door policy to sinister globalist sociopaths.

No, the previous government was no better.


The enemy within whose contempt for middle England is palpable.

The lust for expanding the public sector is beyond reason, another week another quango. Tax payer funded index linked pensions for millions of civil servants as assistance for ordinary pensioners evaporates.

£10 billion for climate change in Africa, £8 billion for other countries wars, £11 billion for unaudited foreign aid. Debt spirals out of control & servicing costs with it, the pound sterling tanks.

It might come as a surprise that Britain is in the top ten of manufacturing countries. You might do worse than dig out the TV series Made in Britain, an account of so many wonderful companies at the cutting edge of expertise, innovation & technology.

But how much longer can they compete when the ball & chain of net zero is shackled to its corporate ankle?

Never mind China or India, electricity in Britain today is nearly twice the price of Poland’s.

Moreover the small business has to compete with government imposed minimum wages, maternity leave, paternity leave, bereavement leave, working hours directives, compulsory pensions, all imposed by politicians who have NEVER run so much as a whelk stall.

Let me quote Lord Salisbury, a real Conservative, “ I regard the duty of Parliament to facilitate the entrepreneurial spirit of the British”

We have contract law, a model for the world in days of yore,

There is no place for ignorant politicians when an employer sits down with a potential employee; don’t believe me ?

Try this quote from John Cowperthwaite, post war governor of Hong Kong

‘My role is to make sure the drains work & the police aren’t corrupt, that’s all’

Hong Kong GDP per capita out stripped most of the world post war, HK has NO natural resources save an excellent harbour.

Try another, post war Germany in response to the American Marshall plan ‘experts’, “your advice is too close to socialism, we tried that, it didn’t turn out well did it? I shall release the German People to work hard & effectively, unrestricted to build a successful commercial economy” my translation.

(Ludwig Ehard 1947)

The British economy is (was?) based on the sole proprietor, the small & medium size business (78% of GDP).

This is the wealth creating sector without which all state spending would cease. This government, indeed all governments seem to have never heard the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.


The Church of England, sabotaged by a series of incompetent agnostic woke Bishops, none of which have been genuine parish priests.

The British Army

Ruined by a block on promotion above Lt. Colonel without woke credentials.

The Judiciary

Now formerly woked, no acceptance to the bench without signing up to uphold the prejudices of the government of the day.

(Google judicial diversity & inclusion)

Major British Charities

They must be right on PC, no charity CEO it seems can live on under £150k pa, compassion is expensive.

All major charities are now political With a small p.

The once exemplary RNLI is now a tool of the State.


£178 billion pa of taxpayers money

1.4 million employees


(What do they all do?)

Big pharma call the shots

GPs are box tickers with frighteningly few exceptions.


The best are leaving in droves, no need for comment, just look at ‘em.


Simply a very expensive anachronism

I mean, who bothers to watch it?

Repeats of Dad’s Army don’t count.

Free Press

Abandoned 20 years ago.

I could go on but time for a gin & tonic folks

© Godfrey Bloom 2025 – Godfrey Bloom Online
