National Museum of the U.S. Navy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Instead of diving further into the UK’s entanglement with the commies in the thirties, it’s time to take a look at what was going on over the pond. Much of the thirties antics over here come to fruition later in the war and afterwards.
The USA was probably even more infiltrated than we were. The thirties were a time of getting people in place and the forties were when they did Stalin’s bidding.
We tend to think of spies as shadowy people stealing or copying documents that they then manage to deliver to the other side one way or another. It hit a whole new level in the USA. There the Soviets were using highly placed people to influence policy in ways that were beneficial to the Soviet Union in a quite extraordinary display so that it is no longer easy to distinguish between the tail and the dog or who was doing the wagging.
The FBI were getting intelligence that the Russians were active, they knew a certain amount but they never seemed to act on this and of course lots more was going on under their noses.
The information came from defectors, FBI surveillance and later on from the Venona decrypts. The Venona data tended to confirm what the defectors had been saying. At the time they defected and implicated others everything was denied and there was no way to prove the allegations, it was just one word against another.
We all know the Allies won the war but the real winner was Stalin. So many strategic decisions went his way and the reason was mostly what was going on behind the scenes in Washington. He tried to keep the Germans at bay with the Molotov-Ribbbentrop Pact, it gave him two extra years until Barbarossa. He desperately wanted Japan to keep away from Siberia. He signed another non aggression Pact with them in April 1941. The Japanese were “encouraged” to attack in the other direction, Pearl Harbour as it happened, by aggressive US sanctions pushed for by Stalin’s agents. This allowed the Russians to free up many divisions they could then move to the German Eastern Front, a big shock to Adolf as he had personally calculated how many divisions the Russians could muster; it turned out he was wrong again and had misunderestimated to use a Bushism.
The American Lend-Lease was allowed for the UK only when FDR was sure we had no more money left, not even a few dollars down the back of the sofa to use his own words, the Russians were allowed Lend-Lease with no such restrictions. FDR had some kind of romantic view of Stalin and thought his charm would overcome the Georgian’s nasty side. In fact it was a bit of a farce. The USA even supplied some atomic documentation along with some Uranium, Harry Hopkins was in charge of this. When Stalin finally declared war on Japan, his demands for equipment were preposterous but the materiel was still delivered to him.
Stalin’s perpetual moaning about a second front was made while the US and the UK were at war with Japan and Stalin was allied to the Rising Sun. The Man of Steel was not going to start his second front against Japan to help the other Allies.
In China Stalin needed Chiang Kai Shek’s Nationalists to continue to keep over a million Japanese troops busy. Once the Japanese had attacked the USA, he moved his support to the Communist rebels led by Mao and Chiang was gradually frozen out from military and financial assistance.
In the Balkans Stalin preferred Tito and his Partisans to Mihailovitch’s Chetniks. The Allies ran their SOE and Special Ops from Cairo. The Chetniks attacked the Germans from day 1 in Yugoslavia. At the time of the invasion, Russia and Germany were still allies. Tito in contrast waited until after the start of Operation Barbarossa before he started attacking the Germans, this at the Comintern’s request. As it progressed the intelligence from Cairo downplayed the Chetniks and exaggerated the Partisans. Even though the Partisans were doing far less than the Chetniks, they got more and more of the help and by the end of the war only Tito was effective in Belgrade. Although the US went along with this charade, it was orchestrated by James Klugmann in Cairo who after the war became an even bigger cheese in the CPGB; eventually writing its official history.
The Germans were threatened with the unconditional surrender demand against the advice of much of the US military, they thought it would encourage the Germans to fight to the death. The Morgenthau Plan for post-war Germany envisaged a de-industrialised agrarian society. These options were created by pro-soviet agents in the US administration to Stalin’s great delight. He didn’t want the Germans making an early peace on their Western Front and he wanted Germany to be as weak as possible after the war leaving Russia as the strongest nation in Europe.
The original Atlantic Charter, the blueprint for the UN, envisaged free and fair elections for all nations. Stalin ignored this, absorbed the Baltic nations, shifted Poland’s borders significantly westwards and installed puppet regimes in the rest of the eastern block. He took many German prisoners to use as slave labour and demanded the return of all Russian PoWs in something called Operation Keelhaul. Most, if not all, returned to certain death. There were harrowing scenes as these former prisoners were loaded onto the transport at bayonet point, they knew what awaited them. We were as complicit in this as the Americans.
The Japanese were also subject to the unconditional surrender demand instigated by Stalin’s agents in Washington. It seems the Japanese were discussing peace in April 1945 on much the same terms as were agreed upon in August 1945. The only sticking point was the fate of the Emperor. Stalin finally declared war on the Empire of Japan a few days before the surrender. He was treated much as if he had been at war with them for years and joined in sharing the spoils.
The Russians had infiltrated the Manhattan Project so much, the probably knew more about it than Truman did when he assumed the Presidency. The names of the atomic spies are legend these days but even the top scientist, Oppenheimer, was under suspicion of being a Soviet agent.
The Venona decrypts consisted of about 3 thousand out of hundreds of thousands of intercepted messages and many of these were only partially decrypted. These 3,000 contained about 300 code names of whom only about 100 were identified. This gives an idea of the scale of Soviet penetration in the USA.
FDR went very easy on Stalin and his administration was heavy with Soviet agents, fellow travellers and sympathisers. When Truman formed his administration he basically took over what FDR had created. Rather like today’s globalist infiltration, the FBI, DOJ and various other government agencies of the 1940s covered up Russian interference in the US Government. The Russians were actively spying in the USA, Canada and the UK. Although they paid a heavy price, their rewards far outweighed the cost.
The officially accepted history of WWII does not have much to say about Stalin’s antics, nor FDR’s acquiescence to most if not all of Stalin’s demands. The most amazing thing is that for all the Americans gave him, they neither expected nor received anything in return other than yet more demands. A truly astounding piece of history being repeated similarly today by Saggy’s bending the knee to the fourth Reich.
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