Rats in a Sack Part 2

Sue Gray
UK Government, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

This was initially only going to be one article but by the miracles of modern incompetence, it is now a two parter. Part one looked at the leaks and stories of behind the scenes blood letting going on in Downing Street. I didn’t include too much about the fiddles and corruption that seems endemic to all politicians because I was going down the path of “It’s a power struggle”. It is indeed a power struggle but it now looks like it is a get rid of Keith movement as well. I feel the only person strong enough to do this is Sue Gray. She has Boris Johnson’s scalp on her belt and it looks like she is going for Keith’s as well. Keith’s statement from New York that Ms Gray’s salary is not for the public to debate may be an attempt to call her to heel. If the attacks on the PM die down can we assume this statement was the price of her leniency. It’s all rather odd when the Prime Minister is beholden to one of his advisers. That’s our Keith for you, strong on sausages and strong on the causes of sausages.

Even the boy Jones has turned on Starmer. This is partially understandable because Keith replaced Jones’s beloved Jeremy Corbyn, aka the tramp. Normally the left will support their PM but poor little Owen will never get over his darling Jeremy being cast aside.

Part 1 finished with the news that Cabinet Secretary, Simon Case, had been appointed to look into the leaks. Some were accusing him of being the leaker. Perfect man for the job what. It is being recalled that the last time they got rid of a Chief of Staff, Sam White, it took 11 months to find his replacement who is Sue Gray. Not sure it would take that long this time, she was busy finishing off what remained of Boris at the time. I also suspect the story that la Gray was holding papers back from Keith originated from young Simon. Has to be someone fairly high up,

You will all be well aware that if Keith does go, Crayons will be PM in the interim until a new leader is selected. In that scenario you can rest assured that our Ange will be in no hurry to get her replacement in place. Just think of it, a slattern as Labour’s first female PM, at least the Tories won’t be able to throw Maggie at them. Satan Blair changed the rules to make it extremely difficult to remove a Labour leader. Rest assured that games are afoot to do just that. I wonder who will need to be suborned to make this easier, maybe a clue can be found in the leaks about corruption that are now emerging daily. With the present state of play as far as leadership rules are concerned, Keith will have to be manipulated into stepping down.

There have been hints, mainly via pictures posted on X (formerly Twitter) that the tramp himself is behind this vendetta against Keith. I find this most unlikely. The unanswered question about who would replace him is a puzzle in itself. The entire cabinet is chocka with incompetents. Maybe cLammy will take over. Now that we are thinking NikNak was not so bad (he was but enough of that), what will we think of Keith’s successor, will we think Keith was not so bad. After a honeymoon period measured in milliseconds this government is now deep in the mire and whatever the question is, cLammy cannot be the answer.

Labour’s conference was a sh!tshow, they truly don’t have a clue. Steady leaks about donations hourly, Keith’s sausages gaffe topped with the brothers and sisters having a non binding vote to stop the WFA cut but only after the conference was finished and everyone had gone home or to New York. This decision is now going to be referred to the much revered NEC, they are the halfwits who elected Crayons to be Deputy Leader. CEOs were invited to the conference and are so incensed they are demanding their £3,000 back for that it is what is cost them to attend. Their assessment, a livestream of Thieves’s speech and they then had to queue in a bleak corridor for a drinks reception where there was no access to ministers. It seems everybody is cheesed off with this administration. Labour’s response, last week people had too much access to them and now it’s not enough. We can’t win. Hold on a minute. Were Labour selling access to Ministers, are we back in the good old John Major days ?

The donorgate stuff was only countered by either “It was declared and was within the rules” or “look at how much the fat Turk fiddled when he was PM”. Not very convincing when clothes have been reported as office expenses or office support work. It now appears that any donation is acceptable so long as it didn’t come from the taxpayer.

After the conference it is reported that 37 scrotes had been released from prison by mistake but it’s OK because plod are looking for them so they can complete their sentence. During his conference speech Starmer lied through his teeth about just about everything, It is scarcely worth repeating the lies.  He is now getting involved in the sh!tshow that is the Middle East while in New York. His simplistic approach to the world will crash and burn at the UN. Poor Donald Trump will be meeting both 2TK and cLammy at Trump Tower, what has he done to deserve that, no doubt both will be trying to convince him to continue the debacle in Ukraine. Oddly Heels Up Harris will not be meeting either of our boys, diary issues have been blamed.

One the sickest events during but not connected with this conference was former Tory chairman, Jake Berry, telling Jeremy Kyle on TalkTV that he had a picture of Angela Rayner pinned up on his MP office wall because she is a very attractive woman. Pass the sick bag. Is Jake attracted to the slovenly type ?

In what may be the only sane and accurate statement she has ever made, the Hackney Abacus has accused Keir Starmer and David Lammy of having a madcap scheme to attack Russia.

During the conference, leaks about the power struggle have been thin on the ground. What has been in abundance are leaks about expenses, hints of more stupid policies to come such as pubs closing early because people get Brahms and Lizst and carefully timed events that make Labour look even more foolish such as the nurses rejecting a 5.5% pay offer just as it was claimed that the grown ups had settled the public service pay disputes. All in all it looks like planned sabotage and the target has to be the Prime Minister although Wes Streeting is not surfacing covered in roses.

Who in the background could be coordinating all of this. I suspect it will die down for a day or two while la Gray is on the other side of the pond hobnobbing with the disgusting people who are the United Nations if you get my drift.

This one went under the radar, Parliament has banned foreign interns over fears they could be spies. Cue lots of work for tribunals and even courts.

News arrives on Thursday 26th that Crayons is plotting to oust 2TK and take over as interim PM – she is on manoeuvres. May God preserve us. There have been reports that she has been excluded from some meetings. Is there anyone supporting 2TK ? It’s not only Crayons, many backbenchers are very unhappy with the direction Labour is heading in. There is an undercurrent of discontent mainly because 2TK ignores his backbenchers; he is not keen on little people. Has anyone in our history claimed the scalps of two Prime Ministers. Sue Gray looks like she is trying hard for that title.

A day later it appears that Sad Dick wants Keith’s job. Not being an MP would be no hindrance. There will be at least one MP who will step down for him for a sniff of the ermine. One short by election away from coming true.Stranger things have happened.

I haven’t proved it but I feel that this Sue Gray is behind many of the leaks as she tries to remove 2TK. The hidden part is she must know, or has been told, who the replacement is. When Truss was “erroneously” chosen as Tory leader they had NikNak in the wings ready to take over and take over he did. One way or another the WEF always manage to install their man. I just can’t see anyone in the Labour Party who would be an improvement on what is already there and aside from incompetence, why do they want to replace Keith. He seems to be doing their bidding even though the faintest praise he has had so far is being called inept. It is notable that no Cabinet ministers are stepping forward to lend their support. It’s not just in the country where he is not popular.

Those of you who think I am mad, you could be on the right lines there, just remember this. The MSM here is fairly compliant and follow their orders or hints faithfully. They all seem to be ganging up on 2TK and I take this as a good indication that somebody somewhere at the top of the tree wants him gone. It will take a while but the writing is on the wall. Meanwhile another rumour surfaces that 2TK is going to fire Sue Gray. In the thick of it is child’s play compared to what is going on in Downing Street.

Come the Friday before the Tory Conference and it still keeps unravelling for Keith. It is now reported that Victoria Sponger kicked him out in 2021 and he was staying at Lord Alli’s penthouse for much longer than he has admitted. He also declared another £16k on clothes as expenses for his private office. I fully expect a real bombshell to sweep the Tories shindig off the front page. There are even hints that Nick Brown was going to spill the beans and this is why he is a non-person. I also have to ask about Keith’s claim that he reserves Friday evening for shabbat with the family, if they are no longer together where does he go on a Friday evening.

The Sunday marking the start of the Tory Conference arrives and still no substance to the rumours about Keith and what he has been up to. Just about everything has been proposed so far without any conformation. This is supposed to be an open secret in Westminster but for once they are making a fist of covering it up. Maybe there really is a super-injunction.

Jeremy Bonus Hole makes a grandiose claim at the start of the Tory Conference. Labour’s £22 billion black hole is in fact a £39 billion surplus. Either Labour are telling great big fibs or the Hackney Abacus was in charge of counting the monies. The Bonus Hole would never be economical with the vérité. In the meantime Keith’s popularity keeps on plummeting.

As everyone but everyone will have heard by now, the Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, is stepping down at the end of the year on health grounds. Looks like Sue Gray has won but let’s not rush, there is still time for her to get the big E. There were rumours yesterday that Keith was going to throw her under the bus to keep the heat off him. Bit like Nixon and Spiro T Agnew if you ask me. It did Nixon no good at all.

It’s now Tuesday and various people are threatening to expose Keith today. I guess it’s habbening in much the same way as all that Q stuff was habbening. It is now reported that The Sun was investigating Keith’s marital arrangements but decided to stop when the Dirty Digger endorsed Labour and Keith promised not to start part 2 of the Levenson investigation. The dirty Digger’s press empire came out of part1 very badly. If this is true then it sounds extremely dodgy. Makes you wonder which other investigations were nobbled to suit Starmer’s foibles.

My issue with this is not what Keith’s marital arrangements were but how he can cover up a personal issue by promising the Dirty Digger’s misdemeanours will not be officially investigated either. Surely that is not something a Prime Minister should be offering. Keith’s reaction to this is to hunker down in a bunker somewhere and then jet off to various foreign meetings.

On Wednesday we learn the Lord Alli is under investigation for not declaring all of his interests. We also learn that MPs do not get taxed on these gifts. Were they anyone else tax would be due. This is an HMRC ruling and has absolutely no basis in law. Somebody needs to put in a legal challenge. HM Robbery Creatures don’t have a leg to stand on.

Fatty Staines from the other place says he has a name and a birth certificate but it’s not verified enough to publish yet. How on earth can Stamer be a Lothario, he doesn’t even have a personality.

By Thursday it is reported that Keith has given back £6,000 worth of freebies including one or more of Victoria Sponge’s frocks. He has sent out puffins’ favourite Rebecca Mong-Bailey and a Minister nobody has heard of to trill repeatedly that it was within the rules. The rules are wrong, well wrong. As at least one newsreader has said, it looks like an admission of guilt.

Eventually we reach Sunday and there are no big exposés in the Sunday papers. There we were expecting to hear about Keith’s over complicated personal life and …. Zilch. We didn’t even get any movement in the power struggles in Number 10. It looks like the row over hanging the Chagos Islands over to Mauritius has overshadowed everything else. My guess – that was the government’s exact intention. If there are any revelations next week I may have to write a part 3. This last week has been a big disappointment.

Finally have a heart for poor Larry. He has disappeared only to be replaced by Prince the new Siberian kitten whose picture alongside Keith was published on X with the poor moggy looking terrified. I wonder how our very own WG will get on with him. I do hope Larry has not bumped into some Haitians.

To close off, I had hoped to be able to report that one or more of the Downing Street advisers had got the chop but so far, nothing substantial. After the vitriol the last few weeks, something has to give. The Tory Conference started last Sunday and two more leadership candidates are for the chop. It is worth betting that Labour will try to overshadow it even though whatever they do may make them look silly,. I wrote “silly” a week ago, the word I should have used was treacherous. Giving the Chagos Islands back has emboldened the Argies who may well have another pop at the Falklands and the dagoes will be salivating at the thought of getting their hands on Gibraltar for the first time since 1713 if not before.

StopPress – yet again there are reports that Sue Gray will be gone sooner rather than later. Methinks the devious woman has spread these rumours herself.

Even Stoppier Press – at midday on Sunday it was announced that Sue Gray got the chop. Well, sort of, she is off to pastures new but will still be an advisor. That Keith can be so ruthless, at least when his neck is on the line. The winner in all this is Morgan McSweeney who looks to be taking over from Sue Gray. Could this be related to the fat Turk slagging her off all morning. Just goes to show that Keith does have feelings, if only for his own neck.

Last word(s). I wrote this article because it was the right thing to do.

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