
Cover of the Communist Manifesto (1848)
Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

One of the things that has puzzled me over many years is why governments don’t reverse laws they don’t approve of that have been passed by another party. It seems that in our unwritten constitution there is a convention that any point in a manifesto that is legislated will not be undone by a subsequent government. I must protest.

I take issue with this devotion to manifestos. Voting is essentially tribal, how many Labour voters read their manifesto and thought that sounds great, I’ll have some of that. The same applies to the Tories and even the lunatic LibDems and Greenies. This convention that electors voted not only for the party but also their manifesto is completely wrong. There’s tribal voting and tribal withholding of votes. The relatively small number of floating voters probably don’t have a clue what is in the manifestos either.

It strikes me that much of what Keith and Thieves have been up to since they acquired office either was not in their manifesto or is in direct contradiction to what was in it.

I just checked out Labour’s 2024 manifesto and it is the biggest load of old junk yet published, oddly I did not need to read it to know I didn’t approve of it. Utterly vacuous and devoid of detail it is just like much of socialism, all feels and squeals. The top line is that this all about change, we’ve heard that before. Didn’t Sozzlebury et al start a party called Change. It sank without a trace possibly because Chuckup Umunna and the fat Turk’s sister were more than many could stand. Bath House Barry, aka Obummer, was all about change as well.

Labour also intend to stop the chaos, turn the page and rebuild our country. All laudable aims but they sound like something from a lower level powerpoint presentation, but what are the chances of Labour pulling it off especially when led by a man who worships Davos rather than Westminster.

The first steps for change are …..

  • Deliver economic stability
  • Cut rNHS waiting times
  • Launch a new Border Security Command
  • Set up Great British Energy
  • Crack down on antisocial behaviour
  • Recruit 6,500 new teachers

If this lot deliver economic stability it will be a first, Labour are renowned for scuppering the economy, usually accompanied by a visit from the IMF. Remember Liam Byrne’s note to the Tories in 2010. They have already muddied the waters by claiming there is a £20 billion black hole the Tories were hiding. Maybe there is but I am not convinced. This is just building up excuses for the massive tax rises they will have to introduce as they begin to spend money like water.

They will magically create 40,000 more appointments each week during evenings and weekends. These 40,000 will be funded by those old chestnuts cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes. There is no mention of where the staff to man these 40,000 appointments will come from. At least they haven’t used the oldest chestnut of all, efficiencies in Whitehall.

The Border Security Command will have hundreds of new specialist investigators who will use counter terror powers to smash the criminal boat gangs.

Great British Energy will save us a fortune in power bills by using clean energy paid for by windfall taxes on oil and gas giants. Only it won’t save us anything will it. Bills are already due to rise again.

The crackdown on anti social behaviour will be led by more useless neighbourhood police paid for by ending wasteful contracts (but no mention of which). Offenders will suffer tough new penalties and there will be a network of ping pong tables in yoof hubs. It all sounds rather depressing doesn’t it. Maybe this is how those far right thugs who have been posting hurty words on X and FaceAche will be treated.

I was not inspired to read further because it just a word salad. Can any party ever have been elected on such slim pickings.

Let us compare these promises, sorry aspirations, with what has happened.

The Pensioners Winter Fuel Allowance (aka WFA) has been scrapped to pay for the enormous pay increases the public sector unions have been awarded. This is obviously the thin end of the wedge, Labour had promised to freeze energy bills, now they want to freeze the elderly. There is a queue of what was known as the smelly socks Brigade all demanding similar increases. It is almost as though the 1970s never happened. Amazingly those on bennies will continue to receive the WFA, can’t have those poor people suffering can we, even if the pensioners have to freeze to death. We are also dishing out over £11 billion to foreigners to help them with their struggle to implement/ignore net zero. Pensioners WFA supposedly costs about £1.4 billion. Why not take it and more from this £11 billion. The cost of Foreign Aid is even larger than that. CallMeDave really screwed us with setting a percentage of whatever that must be allocated to foreigners. All this is borrowed money you know. Now we have Lucy Powell claiming if the WFA wasn’t scrapped it would have crashed the economy. As Ludwig von Mises said, if socialists understood economics they wouldn’t be socialists.

Have the extra 40,000 appointments with rNHS started to appear ? I very much doubt it, the money to pay for this will not be sorted until the budget in October and it is certain cracking down on tax avoidance and hitting non-doms will not provide anywhere near enough money, in fact there are already reports that this crack down will reduce the tax take.  One of the reasons the rich are rich is because they have the wherewithal to keep their ill gotten away from the taxman. Anyhow rNHS managers have often boasted they can generate huge waiting lists at will. One assumes they can shrink them in much the same way.

The Border Security Command was announced in early July by Pixie Cooper-Balls, so far little else has happened. They don’t even have a boss for it. As for the hundreds of new specialist agents, a few may be in place in time for the next election but they won’t have done anything and the chances of nabbing the smuggling gangs are very remote. Why they can’t just unleash our special forces on them is a mystery.

The Militwat mong has announced the launch of the Great British Energy fiasco. This will cost us a fortune and will do nothing to provide cheaper energy. I remain totally convinced that he is on a promise from the doom goblin and services will be rendered for services rendered, there is no other logical explanation. On the other hand there is very little logic behind the green scam, it is all manipulated via soundbites. These soundbites always have a ring to them and require very little thought. In fact that is the way of the left, education by mantra.

The crackdown on anti-social behaviour does seem to have begun but not in the way one might expect. Such behaviour has been redefined as far-right thuggery and our (lack of) Justice system has been busy banging up all and sundry for what they consider to be naughty tweets and watching riots. I believe there is much unrest about this and especially because they have been releasing rapists, burglars and even murderers so there are enough free prison cells to cater for those naughty tweeters. Keith must be feeling really good that he has laid the groundwork for him to implement his own state security apparatus. Next step will be snitching on your neighbours and plenty of Karens will be the queue to become “informal co-workers”, they were known as “Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter” in the former GDR. The verdict so far is that there has been a crackdown but not on anti-social behaviour. In fact the pro-Palestine and Religion of Peace disturbers of the peace are heavily protected by our very own plod as are no doubt Antifa and BLM.

There has been a deafening silence with regard to the extra 6,500 teachers. It takes several years to train a teacher so we can’t expect instant results unless we are going to import them but from where. It would have the from the Commonwealth because other qualifications won’t be recognised. More teachers from Pakistan and Nigeria is not exactly going to solve anything is it.

All in all, a rather poor show from Keith. So much for having the grown ups in charge. I am reminded that as soon as the Tories lost the election (well you can’t say Labour won it can you) Labour immediately started briefing the MSM, hence the barrage of headlines about having the grown ups back in charge. The reptiles are back in lockstep.

When the Democrats stole the election in 2019/2020 they managed to undo most of the Donald’s achievements on day one. I hope and pray that whoever succeeds this shower of brown stuff that calls itself Labour undoes their nonsense in a day or two and to hell with the convention that you can’t undo what was in the manifesto.

In fact seeing as they are legally aspirations rather than promises we should abolish manifestos. I aspire to many things but that doesn’t mean I am going to do any of them. Since Satan Blair took over our Lords and Masters have been beholden to the WEF and its evil machinations not the electorate. It may even have been John Major who started it off over here, I would not be surprised. He has led a charmed life since then.

© well_chuffed 2024