Happy 8th Birthday Going Postal

Happy birday puffins
© going-postal.com 2024

Lots going on at the moment. Events to organise, painting and decorating, which is an unbelievable faff – I shall be cleaning behind the fridge later. Filling a just rented storage unit before taking ninety percent of it to the dump. Brakes disintegrated on the car at the weekend, fortunately sorted now. It’s all go at GP towers.


Places are still available at the Teddington dinner next week. It will be good to see those of you that can make it.

W. London Dinner – 8th Birthday Celebration

Bash  in the North will be well attended. Rooms at the pub are likely gone but there’s plenty of other accommodation in the area including here where some of you are staying becksescaravanpark.co.uk. I’ll send out an email this week as I’d like to be sure of numbers for the dinner Saturday night.

Saturday, for those capable there’s a walk to a local waterfall. I’ll drive those not walking. There’s also a brewery to visit which we could visit in the afternoon. A warm up for the dinner in the evening.

The North, March 22nd – 24th 2024

Summer bash end June is all sorted. Long hot days and nights . . .

Bash 2024

Still here after all this time. It’s been an education and a bit of a trial at times but many happy memories of events and people here and departed. A big pat on the back and thank you to everyone who contributed and supported GP over the years.

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© Swiss Bob 2024