Another year and we still haven’t left the EU! plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Also another year of divide and conquer. It is surprisingly effective. TPTB shout squirrel and many of us just shout ‘where’. Of the major issues that have caused division, Leaving the EU, Trump, COVID-19, and Ukraine, none of these should be subjects that split friends and family. If one were cynical, one might think that was the whole purpose. The real enemies are those in Westminster, puppets or not.
Which leads me onto the moderation rules which have not changed since May 2018 and can be found here Moderation philosophy and policy. If you haven’t read them, or are new please read them.
GP is not what it used to be, mostly because of the above but also because we have lost so many valued contributors over the years. I shall be raising a glass to the departed over Christmas. However, we still have many excellent contributors with more than a few new ones so as long as you keep sending in the articles we shall still be here in our 9th year.
Speaking of which I shall organise a dinner in Teddington to celebrate our eighth birthday which I’ll add to the forum soon. We are also having a meet in the North around Keswick in Spring 2024 which is already on the forum and should be great fun if you like the Lake District and beer.
And finally of course. Having only appealed once previously this year I hope you’ll contribute to the upkeep of the site. I recently renewed the hosting for 2024 and paid the service company costs that keep you and the site safe. Probably the wrong time of year to be appealing but please contribute what you can and many thanks to all of you with subs and that have contributed over the last year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
PS No address should be required, nor a PayPal account.
© Swiss Bob 2023