1 Required to prevent illegal channel crossings (11) | 2 Test (4) |
9 Filth! (4) | 3 Oil cartel (1,1,1,1) |
10 Illegal entrant (11) | 4 Territorial battle (4,3) |
11 Dump at the altar (4) | 5 Hairy lip (4) |
14 African (7) | 6 Invaded by weight of numbers (7) |
16 Stage show (7) | 7 The real reason why our public services are struggling to cope (11) |
17 Stood again for election (5) | 8 Where laws get written (7,4) |
18 Naked (4) | 12 Shipped illegals overseas (11) |
19 Attack with knife (4) | 13 Perverts after our children (11) |
20 Inherited from your parents (5) | 15 Not at all (5) |
22 Loved by the public, unlike Boris! (7) | 16 Pens (5) |
23 Japanese city (7) | 20 Large quantities to drink (7) |
24 Manchester weather (4) | 21 Creators of a woodpile (7) |
28 The reason Lammy and Abbott, amongst others, are here (11) | 25 Faggot (4) |
29 Sheep (4) | 26 Thankful (4) |
30 How the WEF see people like Lammy and Abbott (6,5) | 27 Penalty for yobbish behaviour (1,1,1,1) |
First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Friday, subject ‘Crossword’.
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Winner of Crossword 222 and a GP mug CG (Contact GP to claim your prize).

Answers with next week’s crossword.
Solution to Crossword No. 222
1 Vote 3 Confidence 8 Nudist 9 Terrible 10 Eureka 11 Uppercut 12 Cut short 14 Lope 16 Pail 18 Scholars 19 Scenario 20 Wounds 21 Face mask 22 Raisin 23 Alternates 24 Hour
1 Vengeful 2 Evidence 3 Cathartic 4 Not much to look at 5 Darkest 6 Nubecula 7 Eject 13 Rearwards 15 Power cut 16 Pseudish 17 Loosener 18 Spammer 19 Sofia
Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 223 and Answers to Number 222
© Richard Puller 2022