Crossword No. 176

© Richard Puller 2021, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2021
1 I get scab on ass, X (9)2&5 Bedpans neatly arranged for by-election! (6,3,4)
6 Review taken for granted by BBC (6)3 Weighty Conservative leader is a rat! (5)
9 Observer: “Male leaves Starmer”! (6)4 ‘Asylum seeker’ points gun at scorer (9)
10 Get idea about teen – should be locked up! (8)5 ..see 2
11 Boiler replaced by thump from ape (4,4)6 Stove sent by post for Asian candidate… (5)
12 Humidity causes yeast to grow on tip of willy (6)7 … with erect penis (end cut off) starts political earthquake… (8)
13 Democrat leader: “I sniffed on teenager” - he’s getting worse! (12)8 … but elite, short Conservative wins poll! (8)
16 Like Jeremy with Diane, getting a ‘lob’ over, engaged in foul... (6,2,4)13 Entry SOS: deport! (9)
19 … capers with the astronomically large! (6)14 Moon rises like Diane Abbott in tight clothing… not! 9)
21 I am barely legible to pass (8)15 Corbyn’s philosophy: “I fail to have stamina”(8)
23 Educated Earl: “I like tit” (8)17 Good to define “Chest is best for baby”? (7)
24 Take stance against passing laws (6)18 Swiss cult has us in its grasp! (6)
25 Socialist leader: “see, I’m sick!”(6)20 Conservative leader frequents bars and gets infected! (5)
26 Manipulate Labour and Tory leaders to consume haggis (822 Arab queer: “ I fly in the air” (5)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a choice of GP authored book. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

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Winner of Crossword 175 and a GP mug b-bob (Contact GP to claim your prize)

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2021

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 175


1 Thunderbolt 9 Obese 10 Nerve cell 11 Surreal 12 Tallboys 14 Chat show 15 Ahoy 17 Adverse 19 Fear 20 Barbaric 21 Hard sell 23 Agamete 25 Lightning 26 Ennui 27 Atomisation


2 Hyena 3 Novelty 4 Enclosed 5 Owls 6 Tourette 7 Telephone 8 Yellow peril 12 Trailblazer 13 Screech 16 Overpaint 17 Academia 18 Searches 19 Fishnet 22 Lingo 24 Elmo

© Richard Puller 2021

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 176 & Answers to Number 175