Crossword No. 143

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1&4 A poll on here would change the election result (6,6)1 Don't give it to George – he’ll use sword in spa! (8)
4 ..see 12 Republican leader had rosy future, so sad! (5)
8 Their illegal attempt to seize control is pure USSR! (8)3 A real tragedy for Wales, will never ban fear (7)
10 Sea men take it up the bum… (6)5 EU drove me to be late (7)
11 … and bend in this way ! (4)6 In our perfect world, we'd sit with ladies (9)
12 Artful and nude describes the Democrat vote (10)7 Old woman (green leader) ran in New York (6)
13 Dodgy calls led to incorrect vote totals … (5,7)9 Conservative leader appears to be in a dismal soap from time to time (11)
16 … and dodgy postal votes were misdeeds for sad Republican leader (12)14 African male found in a basin (9)
20 “I have cold labia” – that’s terrible…(10)15 Nit-picking at the end of party (8)
21 … so keep tidy in the ‘beneath’ area! (4)17 Northern location for lads? (7)
22 Will generate a result on Monday? (6)18 Alerted to muslim parents? (7)
23 Leg and tit molested? I get a lawyer involved (8)19 Spring clean? DUP say yes to it! (4,2)
24 Do it ASAP in Spanish hotel (6)21 Republican leader’s gone for Diane Abbott! (5)
25 In and out under dicy US voting system? (6)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a copy of Tachybaptus’s book A Bear’s Diary. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner. 142 – Rick.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 142


1 Red wall MPs 6 Lamb 10 Court 11 Bloomberg 12 Hair grip 13 Cater 15 Naughty 17 Singlet 19 Ice caps 21 Buy time 22 Owing 24 Parented 27 Interfere 28 Get up 29 Shot 30 Lentivirus


1 Race 2 Drug abuse 3 Actor 4 Liberty 5 Prompts 7 Alert 8 Big brother 9 Amy Coney 14 Antibodies 16 Head girl 18 Leicester 20 Supreme 21 Barrett 23 In two 25 Negev 26 Apes


© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 143 & Answers to Number 142