Crossword No. 105

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1 Sacked ministers are in a huff with elders (10)2 Aerosol sprayed over ‘love god’ (4)
9 Arab leader in the mire? (4)3 Scavenger destroys a North American? Yeah! (6)
10 Diane Abbott’s favourite hippo coat worn by Tory leader (6,4)4 Javed’s response to sacking: “I had ‘flu once” (7)
11 A spore found at Covent Garden (6)5 Lash received for singing the same note (4)
12 Sounds like she was forcibly sent back to Caribbean island? (7) 6 Red tops call to “send them back” (7)
15 Placing bad bets lead to GBH (7)7 It’s unlikely that EU leader will explode bomb in April (10)
16 Correction: Tory leader dies! (5)8 Checked gown for tranny? (5,5)
17 Muslim pilgrims had head from Johnson! (4)12 ‘Ho’ joins with nan to like Boris (10)
18 Bale can do it! (4)13 Teaches them a lesson as muslim leader gets hard for ass (10)
19 Hate is ‘off piste’ (5)14 Skillfully taped! (5)
21 Claret’s decanted – a fine red! (7)15 Nationalise teats? (5)
22 ‘Rubbers’ rammed up arses, endlessly red! (7)19 EU leader almost squeals again and again (7)
24 Taking saunas in the Bahamas? (6)20 Tired of EU? You’re educated! (7)
27 Meek Syrian disturbed by MPs’ bible? (7,3)23 Hot dress in tatters (6)
28 Sachet contents taken for pain (4)25 Deploy SS to invade EU (4)
29 Hanging? Non-issues! (10)26 OK, am I a shark? (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug and keyring! Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner. 104 – Audrey’s Daughter.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 104

1 Sabbaticals 8 Coronavirus 11 Unit 12 Dare 13 Rainbow 15 Assyria 16 Budge 17 Nero 18 Afar 19 Pants 21 Ingrain 22 Episcia 23 Eats 26 Take 27 Spermicidal 28 Re-emergence

2 A lot 3 Blow job 4 Teat 5 Chinese 6 Loud 7 Quarantined 8 Civil rights 9 Sacrificial 10 Repatriated 14 Wuhan 15 Agate 19 Pilgrim 20 Spilite 24 Spee 25 Liar 26 Talc

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 105 & Answers to Number 104