After the Second World War, the need was felt to learn the lessons from history and make it impossible for Germany to cause any more catastrophes. Integrating the Federal Republic (aka West Germany) into a larger framework of democratic countries in Europe (Benelux, France, Italy) seemed to promise a likely solution.
But largely unnoticed by the public, beginning with the Elysée Treaty in 1963, subsequent levels of democratic self-determination were stripped away from national governments and instituted at EU level – beyond the reach of nation state democracy. The EU commission, rather a board of directors, or Kommissars really, became unaccountable to anybody, except their main power brokers in France and Germany.
Quite deceptively launched as an organisation for improving economic co-operation, the EEC arrogated itself ever increasing powers via what today would be called mission creep. Further EU integration made sure this process became irreversible, as powers once handed over to unelected EU bureaucrats cannot be repatriated. At least, there is no legal mechanism to do so while being an EU member state.
We only need to look at what happened in the much-fabled Brexit negotiations in and between Brussels and London to become acutely aware of this point: one is either totally and completely out of the EU, or gets somewhat sucked into its orbit. It’s all being held together by the Germans paying the bills who in their lurid imagination have every reason for saying “ich bin ein Europäer” (I’m a European) when only a generation ago, they would have had to admit “ich bin ein Deutscher”. Or, with a bit more missionary zest perhaps, “ich bin ein National-Sozialist” another generation before the last.
The EU is a pricey, but also a very convenient way of washing away all that guilt for causing two world wars and a holocaust. It’s not logical, it’s psychological. Yet, their beloved EU Projekt has not exactly been an unmitigated success for anybody but the Germans.
With events starting in 2015, Germany has begun fostering completely unchecked mass immigration from largely Third World countries, some of those with starkly pre-modern and largely incompatible concepts of culture and civilisation. Political terrorism from the extreme Left (Antifa, anti-imperialist and communist groups) is kindly looked at by authorities. Because those are their shock troops for keeping the plebs in their place when they protest too much against their impending shitholisation.
Islamic extremism is rife, as is anti-Semitism. Islamic indoctrination in mosques around the country goes mainly unchecked and only gets noticed when things do get a bit out of hand. Germany was a major sponsor of the Islamic attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, which were co-ordinated and executed by an Islamic terror cell in Hamburg, “known to authorities” as is usually the case.
Since then, nothing has improved – on the contrary. Islamic hate preachers can’t believe their luck, as from their home countries, they’re quite used to having secret police sit in on their lessons. No such luck over here and they’re making ample use of the leeway they’re being given. While domestically, and in the year three after Trump, Germany jumps the climate change bandwagon bigly to make sure the bourgeoisie is well and truly ground down between the twin millstones of ever-increasing taxation and inflation. That’s what Lenin would have wanted.
If one is to believe the official news narrative, all this “diversity & equality” will bring about the true social justice utopia: an organic, climate-and-gender-neutral mix of Sweden and Venezuela. Equal sharing of misery but without the beach and the good weather. The Greenies are yet not fully decided upon whom to throw in their twitter-ban-and-no-platforming Gulags but “climate change deniers” seem like a safe bet.
It isn’t any wonder then that each year, about 100,000 Germans seek refuge in more individualistically minded countries such as Switzerland, Canada, Australia or Hungary. And they’re mainly the more success-driven members of the populace. Which in turn makes it ever harder to keep the resultant workshy dross in the comfort they feel entitled to, and have come to expect in over more than a hundred years of Bismarck’s welfare state. It is not an example I recommend following.
But where’s the need for this country? As of 2015, its historic function as a bulwark against Islamic or socialist imperialism is obsolete. On the contrary, Germany has become an engine driving both. When its function as the main vector of “diverse” and “equal” EU integration and federalisation (“more Europe!”) is being challenged, efforts to oppress dissidents are stepped up. Only Spain and Portugal appear to be impervious to populism. The Catalan conflict remains unresolved and has the potential to bring to the fore again what fate befalls nations daring the centralised dictatorship of an unelected, antidemocratic EU bureaucracy under German leadership.
Despite rumours to the contrary, the EU won’t go away after Brexit. It will linger on. Quite possibly in a diminished, perhaps even a moribund state, but its directorship will find ways to make sure their ends are met. Even if it means taxing citizens for every penny they own in this world and the next. It’s the socialist way, but also what feudal overlords do and what power without accountability entails automatically.
This pseudo- and anti-democratic EU feudalocracy (or cuntocracy, if you please) will be a vehicle for Germany to take themselves out of the equation: despite all evidence to the contrary, they will claim (and are indeed claiming now) that all peoples of Europe benefit from the EU. Well ask the Greeks, Spaniards or even the Italians about that, Herr Weber. It’s all done for the benefit of German interests, who’ve made themselves largely synonymous with EU-roop. And this was the plan all along. At least, that’s what this much fabled paper on European Integration published in Berlin, 1942, shows.
So, was D-Day worth it? Of course it was, if only because the alternative would be unthinkable.
Yet, it should give room for thought that what we are seeing on the Continent is not too dissimilar from what the alternative could – and quite possibly would – have looked like after a few more decades had passed and Nazism had assuaged: a federalised EU-rope under German leadership, much like the federalised Second Reich under Prussian leadership. Not full on genocidal, like the Third Reich, but an anti-democratic, corporatist dictatorship using pork-belly socialism (“free stuff!”) for winning elections and keeping up appearances, above all the gilded cage illusion.
Now, apart from its utter contempt for freedom and liberty, its lack of any form of democracy worthy of such name, its total corruption and its eagerness to bully and abuse, there wouldn’t be too much to complain about – if the EU had proved itself to be wildly successful. But alas, it has not. “More Europe!” is not a battle cry one sees replicated across the globe. The EU is a shrinking economy in a growing world economy. It takes some doing to be a failure like that.
Despite its dismal historic record, the New Germany, the Forth Reich of climate change activism and gender neutral bathrooms, has – on grounds of its self-attested moral superiority – put itself on a geostrategic collision course with both Trump’s America and Putin’s Russia. Schlieffen Plan, anyone? As usually is the case with the Krauts, they’ve done so for the best of reasons: to improve global “solidarity” (a polite word for obedience) in fighting the Klimakatastrophe (“climate catastrophe”). Waging a world war for world peace, how quaint. If this Kulturrevolution looks sane to you, then you need to keep drinking that Kool-Aid, bro.
All this arrogance – in a nutshell – is based on one simple assumption: despite empirical evidence to the contrary, Germany still assumes it knows best. What’s good for Germany is good for everyone else. Has to be! Conversely, what’s bad for them is bad for everyone.
For now, the rhetorical power of the point they’re trying to make cannot be backed up militarily. Although their EU Army of “social justice” brown shirts is well and truly on the way. The danger for others is that the means of psychological persuasion may give way to the means of physical persuasion in due course – and of course for the “best” of reasons (“refugees”, “climate change”, “solidarity”, “free stuff” – whatever gives the Germans an ideological justification to feather their nest).
But: the observation that nationalism went wrong in Germany, has led the chattering classes here and elsewhere (along with their useful idiots) to the erroneous conclusion that nationalism was to blame for the three major catastrophes of the 20th century – and not the fact that Germany’s national identity is fatally flawed by the assumption that everybody had to be just like them.
Assuming it’s nationalism’s fault when it is in fact the Germans’, is of course an intellectually lazy and morally weak position to take. It is quite self-pleasing and deceitful too because I for one cannot see too much wrong with Icelandic or Suisse nationalism. Or the American or British, Canadian, Australian patriotism that drove D-Day. Nationalism only ever becomes a problem when it is in Germany’s interest to deny other nations their right to democratic self-determination. It’s not the nationalism bit, it’s the German bit what’s causing the trouble. The division they claim to be intent on overcoming is mainly caused by them. And they’re doing it to play one nation against the other for their own advantage. With a bit of moving the goal posts to make things easier for their car industry.
Therefore, I think that – in due time – there will have to come a geostrategic reckoning for this New Germany, this eco-friendly Fourth Reich. Or in other, more realistic terms: the sea change caused by populist forces on the rise will hit Germany dis-proportionally hard. They will be left with little room for manoeuvre, yet will campaign (rhetorically, but possibly militarily) against populism as a form of “nationalism”. Forgetting (and making people forget) that they are its main culprits. And therefore, I also think there is no other way to a lasting peace in Europe than a complete dissolution of Germany by turning it into a few dozen small and smallish principalities again. Leaving for later the option of simply turning it all into glass. If this can be accomplished by using the EU (before it is being dissolved too), it would be all for the better and a sweet irony.
© Guardian Council 2019
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