Godfrey Bloom, Going Postal


Taking into account the events of the past week, I really should have entitled this piece “Beano”, as these have been bordering on cartoonish comedy if it were not for the fact that they are [more…]


What a mess

I love my pressure cooker. It is one of these gadgets that I would probably, quite foolishly, consider rescuing from a house fire or flooding incident. They must be treated with respect though, and there [more…]

20th Century

Ice cream

I have a number of very simple rules that I follow in life. The first is that wherever possible, I do everything in my power to live at peace with all men. This quite naturally, [more…]


Order Order

I really don’t know the definitive date when the Rubicon was crossed. Like many of these things, rather than an instantaneous change, we have been subject to a corrosive deterioration of good sense, moral values [more…]