Crossword No. 135

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
1 Over 10,150 BBC licence fees pay for virtue signaling presenter on the BBC: “I kneel, right!” (7)1 Conservative leader starts decline of BBC funding (7)
5 Theresa May’s initial position on opium was just right (7)2 Ten conservatives shortly found guilty (7)
9 Lammy would be a C-list conservative leader, yes? (7)3 Khan’s re-election chances are on this! (5,4)
10 Made to use end of finger tip (7)4 Caterer identified again as source of covid-19 outbreak (7)
11 BBC’s Jimmy Savile ‘entered’ a non-celebrity (5)5 Try ‘love’ in the open air! (7)
12 Tactile Australian starts to be economical with ‘truth’ (9)6 Magnetic slate? (5)
13 Unties Diane’s rear end in bathroom (2,5)7 Imam, radical leader, demands ending of sex routinely on display at the BBC (7)
14 Sky feature about a ham used to cover muslim woman’s face (7)8 Kim smoked weed on Wednesday (7)
16 Casting a shadow, Abbott’s expanding head devours menus (7)15 Socialist starts crapping it about future for BBC … (9)
19 Not welcome in a parish? (7)16 … given extreme conservative position for pals of labour to be given the knife! (7)
22 EU is ratty about budget cuts (9)17 Oranges wrapped in handkerchief? (4,3)
24 Right-wing Pakistani leaders wear a long coat (5)18 ..see 23
25 BBC’s usual position on issues? “Liar” is apt! (7)19 Press Association: “Wally should be the new face of the BBC on line” (7)
26 Brought to life in a team (7)20 I raise alarm and I send message to foreigners (3,4)
27 Wheel-chair bound cricketer scores without hitting the ball! (3,4)21 Diane Abbott isn't pale or shy! (7)
28 Allowing “El Gay” to post on Labour List (7)23 Biased BBC presenter gazed mistily at e-mail (5,7)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner. 134 – Blackfritz.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 134


1 Base rate 5 Change 9 Cohesion 10 Enigma 11 Troilism 12 Maoist 14 Eye witness 18 Murphy’s law 22 Guyana 23 C-section 24 Loiter 25 Rochdale 26 Remiss 27 Isomorph


1 Back to 2 School 3 Result 4 Trotskyist 6 Hen party 7 Negligee 8 Elastase 13 Sweat shops 15 Smuggler 16 X-ray film 17 Chinless 19 Ockham 20 Mid-air 21 Enmesh

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 135 & Answers to Number 134