
Psychopaths in Government
Number 10, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

This Net Zero crap is getting on my bits and pieces. Since 2015 it has been getting worse at an increasing rate. Needless to say I disagree with all of the so-called scientific justification. It has become a cult and was no doubt spread by the WEF. Net Zero is essentially all about reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions and you have to be silly to fall for that.

It has really taken off here since 2021 with a ridiculous target of 2050 to be net zero. WEF place holder Rishi Sunak, or NikNak if you prefer, was the one who really got the ball rolling. Since NikNak’s defenestration the torch has been carried by Edstone Milimong with a short interlude where Grant “many names” Shapps and then Claire Coutinho were in charge. She makes out she is now against it but did nothing to stop it. Shapps is such a shyster nobody knows what he is either for or against, he is best described as “approachable”.

Now I was under the misapprehension that Ed was on a promise from the doom goblin. You know, favours of a sordid nature in return for full implementation of the Net Zero nonsense. We will be completely ruined if that ever happens. Only just this week I have had another Damascene type conversion. I now think this is Militwat’s revenge upon us for not voting him in as Prime Minister when he led the Labour Party.

You may recall when he was leader of the Labour Party from 2010 to 2015 – he got the job by shafting his own brother, David “Bananaman” Miliband – he guided the Party even further left under the One Nation Labour banner and was soundly thrashed in the 2015 general election. The election was on the 7th May and Edstone resigned on the 8th with Harriet Harperson taking over as acting leader until a new leader was elected. The new leader was the tramp himself, Jeremy Corbyn. As bad as Militwat and the tramp were they still managed to get more votes than our beloved PM of today did in 2024.

It can easily be argued that Edstone was seething with rage at his rejection by the electorate, how very dare they, and has been plotting his revenge ever since. That revenge seems to be taking shape in the Net Zero rubbish.

In historical terms the CO² levels are relatively low today. They have been much higher in the past. We are told CO² is around 4 parts per million of the atmosphere and are often reminded if it goes down to 2 parts per million plant life will die. In the commercial green houses where they grow about 10% of our veg they pump in CO²  to increase the yields.

While we are ruining our economy in a vain attempt to get our CO² levels down even lower countries such as China and India are building coal fired power stations like billy-oh. Any saving we make is more than offset by their increase. It is also pretty obvious to anyone with a brain and a pair of eyes that CO² does not obey national borders. The pollution, including CO² which is really a non-pollutant, pumped out in Asia will after a time appear in our atmosphere whatever we do.

It is also frequently pointed when volcanos erupt that they can spill out more CO² than man has ever produced in history. We are on a hiding to nothing here and in the face of natural events we are as nothing or mere mortals if you prefer.

The new administration in the USA is tearing up all the climate nonsense the left have foisted on us, we should do the same.

It seems obvious that the WEF is the guiding light behind all this nonsense. Their placemen NikNak and the Milimong have been busy wrecking our energy capabilities. NikNak was following orders, no doubt a lucrative form of employment these days. Edstone is also following orders but I feel his is a more personal mission, to wreak destruction on the country that gave him and his family refuge but declined to elect him as Prime Minister, they are ungrateful rogues.

Now it has been revealed that the charlatan Dale Vince bunged Labour £5.4 million. For this he has received planning approval for a 524 hectare solar farm to the displeasure of local people. The charlatan has now come out and demanded taxpayer funding for political parties so any further “misinterpretations” can be avoided. I think a close look at any Militwat bank accounts is called for.

It was said many times that the objective of Obummer and Hillary was the destruction of the USA and it would take them 4 terms to achieve it. No wonder the Donald is unravelling things at breakneck pace. I am sure the Milimong has exactly the same objective in mind as he sets about wrecking our energy systems. Our one nuclear power station under construction is now almost as expensive as HS2. We always seem to go for aa new design that promises much but ends up failing expensively. Why not just use a proven design and get on with it.

I guess there is still a chance Edward Samuel Miliband will get his leg over but I really believe this is now of secondary importance. It will be little more than an amuse bouche for him.

It is fortunate for Militwat that our beloved leader is also intent on destroying our country. In Keith’s case he wants to build a new workers’ paradise on the lines of the former East Germany or German Democratic Republic as was. His taxation regime is designed to reduce us to penury, his use of the (in)justice system to stifle dissent and the perpetual attacks on personal transport seem destined to reduce us to the level of serfs. There will be no shortage of volunteers lining up to put the jackboot into us.

Marxist-Leninists turn my stomach as do all other shades of socialist.

© well_chuffed 2025