So………… 20/1/25 was Trump’s inauguration. It was also likely his apotheosis – the vertex of Trumpness, the culmination of years of struggle. It’s hard to believe it could get any more glorious for him than this. Watching him speak and then sign one executive order after another made me think “Prometheus unbound.” Trump was certainly a political Prometheus, defying the Gods of the Establishment, and then condemned to years of torment for his impertinence and Lèse-majesté. But through the exercise of will perhaps (but only perhaps) matched only by one man in American history (Andrew Jackson) he broke his shackles and triumphed, to relish a Conan-like best-of-life moment: “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.” (Yes, I’m looking at you, Liz, CLHiltery, AoC & Nancy !)

The progressive left is staggering about like someone who’s walked into a lamp post – not quite knowing what hit them. But in truth they have no one to blame but themselves. They failed to grasp that Trump is the living embodiment of Nietzsche’s aphorism: “What does not kill me makes me stronger.” If they had just let him alone after 2020, he would have probably raged against the coming darkness, but soon faded from view. But they hated and feared him so much that they embarked on an all out campaign to destroy him personally and financially. But he fought back and they failed. All the while absorbing their negative energy and turning it back upon them. Further, whereas the Trump of 2017 was surprised, shocked, giddy, and naive, making him totally unprepared for the deep state’s and establishment’s unrelenting attacks, the Trump of 2025 is fully aware of what lurks in the recesses of DC and has launched a preemptive attack, the political equivalent of Operation Bagration, a seemingly frenetic but superbly organised assault on all fronts. The opening barrage of executive orders hit every position the left has established in recent years. Immigration. Gender. Energy. “Climate change.” The public health apparatus (specifically by leaving WHO). Perhaps most provocatively, pardoning the J6 defendants en masse. His inauguration address hit all these positions and a few more to boot. This broad front strategy is canny. By attacking everywhere at once Trump forces the Left/Democrats either to dissipate their efforts by trying to defend everywhere at once, or to concentrate on a few sectors thereby leaving Trump to rampage through the undefended areas. And the stunned haven’t been able to decide which. Army Group Left has been smashed.

The Left will eventually gather itself, – somewhat – anyway. There will be legal counterattacks. Virtually the second Trump took the oath four lawsuits challenging DOGE were filed. His order to stop spending remaining monies authorised by the boondogle of the Inflation Reduction Act will spur legal challenges over the constitutionality of impoundment. So there will not be surrender, let alone unconditional surrender, but the correlation of forces overwhelmingly favours Trump at this time. Like Bagration, Operation Trump will eventually outrun its logistics and slow down, likely even bogging down for a time. But the momentum is his and the shape of the political battlefield is likely to provide his ultimate operational success. The Inauguration reminded me of a couple of previous political watersheds. For one, this is Reagan’s “It’s morning again in America” on steroids. Trump is the embodiment of animal spirits, and MAGA is essentially a promise to free American animal spirits from the suffocating embrace of both the nanny & deep state. To harness a Jacksonian bumptiousness that has not been completely banished from the land, despite the establishment’s concerted effort. The second harkens back to 5/11/20 & the tolling of the bell for Obamaism. Of course, all political eras are eventually eclipsed.
Obama’s was.
Jackson’s was.
Trump’s will be………. but I sense that in the latter case, that eclipse will be some time in coming. But before that : Here’s the real goal and the real question:
How do the changes that DJT has promulgated stick ? Setting up a world where every 4 years there is a new round of this and that mean the rules of the road for ‘Merica risk radical alteration and inversion. No one can live in a world like that. You cannot plan, you cannot build. The ground beneath you will never be trustworthy and solid. If Trump and DOGE want a lasting legacy, this is what they need to solve, this is the question that must infuse all actions. Congress can help but, frankly, they’re already returning to type with their insidious requests for more pork to be stuffed into their barrels. This is why the GOP has been such a failure as a party. They campaign on small government without any intention of ever providing it. This renders them little more than the propaganda wing for the Uniparty creating the illusion of choice where no choice exists. This needs to be laid plain and rooted out or nothing will ever change. And change needs to happen. So……….. its down to the courts. I suspect the way to get the great reduction of federal power to remain the law of the land is through a yuuuuuuuuge number of court cases against regulatory agencies challenging their powers…….. The door has been prised by DJT in a way that it never was before. It just takes putting people in charge of the agencies them that want to tear them down. They just need to say “Yup, we agree. we should not have that power…….it was never granted and we’re not allowed to interpret our own major questions without clear congressional guidance.” This becomes precedent and legal canon. it cannot be overturned without Acts of Congress or further Court action. It’s a one way ratchet to eviscerate the regulatory state that may not easily be undone. It’s a path to a safer future. And a guidepath for other Nations to follow suit.
© DJM 2025