Only Parties in the Centre win

Herr Starmer
Simon Dawson / No10 Downing Street, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

Now we have had a few weeks of Keith doing his best to send us down the plughole without realising that people didn’t vote for him, they voted against NikNak let’s recap election strategies, So when he claims a mandate for his manifesto, he is, as usual, lying. Much of what he has done in his first few weeks has zilch to do with his manifesto anyway. He seems intent on banging people up and increasing their taxes along with an obsession with the elusive far-right.. The rich are already voting with their feet.

The first “everything to the centre” I can remember was Bill f Clinton. I believe he called it triangulation and much of it consisted of stealing the other party’s policies. His arch disciple, Satan Blair, did much the same. In fact I believe our Tone even bamboozled Maggie Thatcher who was his first visitor when he moved into Downing Street. In much the same way that CallMeDave claimed to be the Heir to Blair, Satan claimed to be the Heir to Maggie. What a lying bunch of toads our politicians are.

I firmly believe the call to be a centrist party because that is the only way you can win elections is pure and utter rubbish. I wanted to write bollocks but that is a bit rude. All parties are, and always have been, broad churches. Labour has always had its fair share of commies with the Tramp being almost quite open about it while others were a bit more discreet about it. The Tories have also had a few foaming at the mouth rabid far-rightists but not that many. In fact the diminutive Bercow was very far right at Uni (rather odd for someone of the faith) though in later years he moved well to the left; perhaps the view from the wardrobe was better on that side.

I am convinced this nonsense about the centre and consensus is put about by the left because the centre has moved so far left these days. What used to be considered the centre is now firmly on the left side.

CallMeDave ensured a vast majority of Tory candidates who were basically LibDems, how else would Liz Truss have been selected. Labour have always been much more of a rabble, we can well remember Harold Wilson’s contortions as he struggled to keep the various factions in check. It wasn’t until Alkie Campbell read the riot act to the comrades spelling out the truth that if you keep in line, we will be the government with all the advantages that confers. They followed these orders and were in power for 13 years until the Caledonian Cyclops buggered it all up. It was very ironic that he had spent his entire career lusting after the keys to No 10 and when he got them he didn’t have a clue what to do. His Premiership was best summarised when he was on the campaign trail and a real car crash happened as they were filming.

You may by now be divining that I do not agree with this “You have to occupy the Centre ground” in order to win an election. The politicians themselves have moved the goalposts. What used to be the centre ground is well to the right of the last bunch of Tories who were little better than LibDems. The centre ground has shifted to the left and now occupies the space where the more committed socialists used to be. I don’t think the electorate has shifted anything like the politicians have !

What could laughingly be called the far right is now occupied by Reform who in no way shape or form are the far right. They are basically where the tories used to be before CallMeDave moved them a long way to the left.

The far left, this is in no way seen as an abusive term these days is occupied by Keith and his minions. It is as though the Tramp toned the rhetoric down and pretended to be something he isn’t. Keith is a communist and has all the instincts of the far left. I really do believe he will bring in the Gulags.

Time to digress for a minute. I was of the opinion that we could never have implemented the holocaust here because people would not have stood for staffing the camps, extermination or otherwise. Since the lockdown and the Karens I have had to revise my opinion. Although a pogrom agains the Jews would not be acceptable, the same thing against the far right would attract many who would be attracted to the jackboots. I also believe they would be even more barbaric than the Nazis were because they would feel so superior wiping out the right. It is a very sad state of affairs.

To get back on track I think a Party of the right will wipe the floor with Labour at the next election. Keith, assuming he survives, or his successor will not be best pleased. This party is most unlikely to be the Tories though it might be a merged Tories and Reform with the LibDems purged from their ranks. If Nigel Farage can summon the energy to do the business and Keith even allows a subsequent election, we may be looking at a well over 100 majority for a party of the right.

I am far from certain we will be allowed to pass judgement on what is going to prove the most destructive government ever in the history of this county.

The left who are now in power are showing all the signs of a power crazed wannabe elite.

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