With all the fevered speculation in Westminster and Edinburgh you might expect the opinion polls to be a bit more volatile but they are not showing much change. The speculation hinges around the hindu dwarf calling an election, specifically to save his scraggy backside from a leadership challenge, and whether Humza Useless will lose a no confidence vote in Holyrood. I thought the vote was supposed to be on Friday but now it seems there will be two no confidence votes next week. There is even more speculation that he will be gone over the weekend but don’t hold your breath. Even if he loses the no confidence vote he may well refuse to go. I wonder who his boss is and how he can be forced out. If it is King Big Ears Mr Useless will cling on even longer.
There is also much speculation about Norn Iron and what the removal of Jeffrey Donaldson portends. I think the pesky injun in Number 10 may well be planning to abandon the Unionists and give them to Eire. Seeing as it will bankrupt Eire to take over the northern part of their island, expect a very hefty invoice for keeping the six counties at their present economic level. We can easily afford to borrow extra billions can’t we ?
The latest polls for the local elections shows Labour with a 20% lead over the Tories. Expect a bloodbath next Thursday accompanied by the usual excuses governments make when they get their backsides handed to them in council elections. The only question I have is how big will Sad Dick’s mayoral majority be as his fellow effniks do their postal vote impression. The man is unassailable, Susan Hall can promise whatever she likes, demographics are against her.
Constituency polls are back in fashion after a hiatus of several weeks so there are some updated “Fallen” and “Survivor” lists for you to peruse.
Disappointingly the list of survivors has grown a bit. How on earth the voters in Stratford-on-Avon can even contemplate re-electing the über shyster Nadhim Zahawi is too much for my few remaining brain cells. In South Holland & Deepings someone called John Hayes is likely to be re-elected with a stonking 34% majority. What on earth do they put in the water in these places. In mitigation I would like to suggest that anyone on these lists with less than 5% over the opposition is likely to be receiving their P45 when the snake finally calls the election.
Fortunately we have a dozen or so Fallers this week. There are still some juicy names there. Jake Berry who presents on GB News will have more time to spend with his limited number of viewers. Puffin favourite Tobias Ellwood, Lt. Colonel in the 77th Cyber Warriors Brigade will also have more time to spend with his Territorial Army friends. I just checked and the TA has now been renamed to the Army Reserve. By 2021 there were just over 26,000 members, it won’t be long before they outnumber the Regulars. Another regular on GB News, red wall specialist Dehenna Davison, is also predicted to be out. Another puffin favourite, Dominic Raab, who strikes me as very similar to Pratt Wanksock will also have far more time to contemplate his navel. In general the list of Fallers is overpopulated with no marks. I wonder how many of you could name more than a handful of the members of the Cabinet, no me neither.
The national polls have a couple of companies putting the Tories on 27% which seems totally unfeasible to me. I prefer the 20% level; maybe the pint sized tosser’s mates have been twisting a few arms. Reform’s numbers are also all over the place. Tice needs to be reminded that his job is to help destroy the disgusting Tories, I know they will be replaced by the even more disgusting Labour but one step at a time. The LibDums are still hovering around the 9 to 10 percent figure for which they will most undeservedly receive over 40 seats. It appears that most of the electorate choose them under the delusion that they are a nice middle of the road party. In reality they are hard left and the nastiest and dirtiest campaigners in the country.. It just shows you what good PR can achieve though perhaps it is an unthinking electorate that reaches that conclusion unaided.
I was expecting to see some Scotland only polls this week but there have been none I could find. Has Mr Useless bribed the pollsters to suppress their numbers or are the number crunchers waiting for the dust to settle after the no confidence votes. Time will tell.
There was a Wales only poll and it was not pleasant reading for the Tories, they are predicted to keep two seats but I do hope they end up with none. South Wales returns to be a Labour fortress and PC pick up couple of seats.
Those of you who say that these opinion polls are designed to influence rather than reflect the situation are beyond correct. However you can spot the odd trend and as we get closer to an election they have to adjust their figures to be close to the real numbers or truth as we often call it. They need to keep some credibility for the future.
By the time I put pen to paper next time we will know the results of the local, mayoral and PCC elections. You would not want to be in the shoes of the hapless Tory who goes on air to defend what will be one of the biggest debacles in recent electoral history. If whoever it is comes out with the old “we didn’t get our message across” I am likely to heave a house brick at the gogglebox. The Prime Miniature has got his message across loud and clear. He doesn’t give a toss about us and is intent on destroying the United Kingdom and you can’t get a clearer message than that.
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