Crossword No. 180

© Richard Puller 2021, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2021
1 Nihon-e-yokoso! (7,2,5)1 Hoping that the Leader of Wuhan is feeling flu-ish (7)
9 Can grab tush, it’s firm… (7)2 Quiz at gunpoint maybe used by most pollsters? (6,9)
10 …but Conservative leader, he prefers tits when they’re small! (7)3 Belongs to Snow (4)
11 Gymnasts can have topless sex with failed Labour leader (4)4 Dig up emu for hot, topless sex! (6)
12 Manager: “There’s promise in the air” (10)5 Pandemic started by a ‘boater’ heading to UK (8)
14 Our favourite sort of lunch? (6)6 I don’t want know Italians & Co. (10)
15 Universities and Colleges Admission Centre was initially USA’s source of white privilege (8)7 Clots sit on loos to do research (15)
17 Helps to remember that Marx first leads to no income (8)8 The 77th’s business? (6)
18 Enlist to give clap to Labour and Union leaders (4,2)13 Diane Abbot does not suffer from hoops tied around tibia (10)
21 Result of sex with a bad oarsman? (5,1,4)16 Diabolic way of fighting infection (8)
22 Prod to make dribble (4)17 Join up to rub cumin on Keir’s head (4,2)
24 Bored in a bubble (7)19 Say to papa: “they’re fruity!” (7)
25 Communist has tryst, OK? (7)20 Wet, short liberal passes act (6)
26 Athletic challenge to outclass US arse (14)23 Poke out with tip of finger: “it’s not real food” (4)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a choice of GP authored book. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Winner of Crossword 179 and a GP book Glazinova (Contact GP to claim your prize)

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2021

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 179


8 Save 9 Eco-warrior 10 Pharmacy 11 Noises 12 Round trip 13 Going 15 Adviser 17 Awesome 20 Out on 22 Kick start 25 Cubism 26 Dinosaur


1 Rashford 2 Tehran 3 Penalties 4 Holy oil 5 Saint 6 Traitors 7 Korean 14 Awakening 16 Idolised 18 Marcus of 19 Misdial 21 Unused 23 Tosser 24 Smear

© Richard Puller 2021

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 180 & Answers to Number 179