1 Diane almost swallows cat to ease heartburn … (7) | 1 ..see 4 |
5 … and burp up bug after eating at local hostelry! (3,4) | 2 Push cigar backwards up Abbott’s rear - “so sad”(6) |
9 Bossing Africans, white leader gets a ban (5) | 3 Druggies found in red shack with Conservative leader (10) |
10 Police acting over looted trainers. Good! (9) | 4,23&1 Rick’s ‘favourite’ Labour politician? (5,5,6) |
11 The morning after the night before for Abbott and Lammy? (5,5) | 5 Heavenly pair’s sprayed with acid (9) |
12 Is current Labour leader from a murderous muslim cult? (4) | 6 Exploding breasts? (4) |
14 UN donates Euros to ‘negro’ brain doctor (12) | 7 Giving it to me again results in ‘residues’ (2-6) |
18 ‘Enriched’ by KFC, I get Type 2 Diabetes! (5,7) | 8 Green leader (good goblin), confusing Abbott’s brain (8) |
21 A 2.5 cm chin? (4) | 13 Bags of ribs results in loose faeces (10) |
22 Carer places sack over Julie’s head and steals vehicle (10) | 15 Hears ‘Lear’ run-through before the live performance (9) |
25 Judgement: pair get a slap (9) | 16 Immigrants covered in a scarf (8) |
26 Atoms stimulated in orifice (5) | 17 As a follower, Di added ‘spice’ to Corbyn’s leadership! (8) |
27 Clap is given at Diane’s finale: extraordinary! (7) | 19 With ‘Victory in Europe’, more to deport! (6) |
28 They’re dense at Tower Hamlets! (4,3) | 20 Man: “Di’s a ‘No’ for Labour leader” (6) |
23 ..see 4 | |
24 Abbott doesn't fit into a mini! (4) |
First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.
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Last week’s winner. 120 Glazinova.
Answers with next week’s crossword.
Solution to Crossword No. 120
7 Final exam 8 Tubes 10 Partisan 11 Imbibe 12 Deli 13 Re-edited 15 Country 17 Rough it 20 Flunking 22 Done 25 Estate 26 Neronian 27 Klute 28 Rest stops
1 Rival 2 Castle 3 Feistier 4 Barnard 5 Bumbling 6 Get brexit 9 Fire 14 Foolishly 16 Non-party 18 Obdurate 19 Agonies 21 Item 23 Ninety 24 Camps
© Richard Puller 2020
Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 121 & Answers to Number 120