Postcard from the Algarve, No 3

Aye Aye, Puffins. It is me, El Geeko. Well, as she is over my shoulder, I should say “it’s me, and Ms Geeks”, who is keeping a furtive eye on my escapades on GPs, the naughty wench.

Anyway, I would like to thank up front, Swiss Bob for his fantastic site – through my work, my travails, up and down of moods, his site and you lovely Puffins have been a portal for my solace, my uptimes and down. And a general feel-good for when The Narrative™ gets me down. It is with relish that I realise there are Puffins like me in the world sharing the same viewpoints. It’s been no bed of roses, but I thank you all.

I’d also like to thank you puffins that voted for me in the Competition for a week’s stay in an apartment in the Algarve this year. It was the first competition I’ve ever won, I was honoured, and Ms Geeks actually cried when she heard we won, so many thanks to you all. I’ve tried making Ms Geeks cry, through pleasure and pain but I’m simply not up to the length of the job.

So, it is with great thanks, and a wonderful honour, and a donation of a Puffin Badge for our benevolent host, JustaBritabroad. The lovely gentleman that picked us up from the airport and took us to his apartment and shared the wondrousness of his home and locale.

As I’ve said, we’ve never won a competition ever. But here on GP, you have a chance. A great chance. I’m not a writer, like Blown Periphery, who’s Edge stories are absolutely gripping, and I would love to see made into a film or series. Or Æthelberht’s F-15 Eagle’s series and all the other wonderful contributors here, too many to mention. As someone said, we are truly blessed with such great contributors to this site, and I can only wish to attempt to replicate what these great authors have done.

I’m just a poor Geek from a poor family but have been blessed by your kind thoughts and wisdom and have and will, to my dying days, be a contributor to GP until we have (a) Left the EU (b) have removed Common Purpose from our bureaucracy.

Our day of travelling: we arrived.

Most annoying thing is it has been so long since I’ve flown, I didn’t realise that British Airways had freefalled to the bovine grazing service level of Ryan Air – i.e. no complimentary drink or meal, unless you paid.

Oh. My. God.

I used to love having a complimentary drink when I flew. Yes, some airlines used to get pissy if you ordered more than one drink, but generally BA would view you as a normal person, rather than some Sir Les Patterson satire, and give you a couple, en route.

Anyway, we disembarked, went through arrivals and met JustaBritabroad, a lovely chap. He took us to the apartment. What a wonderful place.

Well, enough eulogy, here’s what Ms Geeks and I experienced in the Algarve, apologies, she’s a chef and we are foodies:

We had a wonderful time, here’s a few pictures:

Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
The beach
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
The other side of the beach
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs,, Going Postal
The Ocean restaurant – outstanding food (Ed. Whale?)
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
The beach at sundown
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
Lobster – fresh from the sea that day
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
Our lovely beach which had the best seafood restaurant (all fresh fish from the local sea)
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
Clean sea, a little cool but would be lovely in July/August
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
Stray Cats always strutting for food
Beware of Geeks bearing GIFs, Going Postal
Cook your Portuguese steak on a hot stone

Thank you once again JustaBritabroad, you are a wonderful host and your apartment was superb. Thank you all once again.

© Geeks and Ms Geeks 2018

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