Kemi Khazi

A plant
© 2025

Is it Kemi bad Enoch, Kemi Bad Enough or Kemi Khazi. I prefer the third version. Another bloody WEF controlled plant. How the hell do they keep getting their own people in, it was bad enough with Saggy Tits, the fat Turk and then NikNak but they had to go and get their woman in to follow him. Luckily she is highly ineffective and won’t last.

As Keith lurches from crisis to crisis, often without realising he is being engulfed, Kemi Khazi, the newly minted leader of the Tories is strangely on the quiet side. Her job is to hold the robotic Starmer’s feet to the fire and she isn’t doing that. At PMQs she does ask him difficult questions which he kind of ignores and sidesteps. These questions are mostly the wrong ones and she could make much more of it by going for the throat. The very thin skinned 2TK cannot handle either criticism or dissent. Strange for someone who ought to be used to cut and thrust of the courtroom. What’s that you say, he didn’t actually do much work in court. What a charlatan. I do have one positive for him – he didn’t put Lady Nugee (aka Emily Thornberry or Four Bellies) on the front bench and boy is she furious.

Kemi has excused her lack of fight by saying she has four more years to put together a coherent plan of what she intends to do. Her hectoring delivery makes her sound like a school headmistress when she is being interviewed. Maybe she does a bit of domination on the side. Maybe Nobsore would be interested he likes that kind of thing. But four more years of drifting aimlessly along is not what is needed unless you happen to be her WEF handler.

On 23rd December she tweeted

The central failure of politics is making easy promises instead of working on hard solutions. I refuse to make those mistakes

I want people to trust the Conservative Party again. Earning that trust requires more than a new set of promises.

After the upheaval of 2024 it’ll take timed a fully considered plan.

There has been a long string of similar tweets, all promising inaction. She can’t just lock herself away like a hermit so she can some up with a new list of promises because that is what it will be. In the meantime one of the worst Prime Ministers in living memory continues on his autistic way to destroying our freedoms and our country. She needs to get out there and sock it to him.

On the same day on Radio 4 we hear

Watch this space is what I’m saying. Kemi Badenoch tells Amol Rajan she is rebuilding something really big as Tory leader and will not rush out policies in her first few weeks in the job.

What a cop out as we used to say all those years ago. This is essentially dereliction of duty. A leader’s job is not just to create a new set of promises that nobody will believe, she needs to get stuck in where the government is plainly wrong. It’s almost as if she doesn’t realise the result of the last general election was almost the demise of her party and if she doesn’t extract her digit the next one may well be their last.

As a fellow WEF stooge Ms Khazi will agree with much that our dear leader is up to. Is agree too strong, if it is then she would be following orders just like Keith does. What with robotic on one side and hectoring on the other we are between a bit of a rock and a hard place.

I thought she would not measure up when they inexplicably chose her though it must be said that some of the others were only marginally better. I do not trust Nigerians many of whom make a good living at scams. She sometimes bangs on about immigration, they had 14 years to fix it and it got worse every year, but I am sure she would love to have much of the Nigerian population over here, she may have been an anchor baby but Nigeria is where she grew up. This is matched by the Hackney Abacus bewailing the dearth of dark faces around her. Surely these days one sees little else in her neck of the woods.

She even found time to visit Jeremy Clarkson at his farm. Some welcome publicity for the petrolhead turned tractor driver but will it do her or her party any good I wonder.

I am of the opinion that Kemi realises how utterly useless the Tories were under wishy washy NikNak and is a trifle embarrassed to point out Labour’s mistakes because they are so similar to what the Tories were up to. Keith’s ripostes would be deadly if he were any good and this from a supposed top notch lawyer.

She does not need to have a full set of coherent policies before doing battle with our dear leader who is known as flip-flop for good reasons.

Christopher Hope, aka Chopper, of GB News fame summed it up perfectly in a tweet on 11th December

Why on earth did Kemi Badenoch attach Sir Kerr Starmer on immigration ?

It seems a misfire by the Tory leader as her party does not have a leg to stand on after failing to control numbers.

I think Chopper revels in his nickname except when Lee Anderson uses it at the end of every sentence. He starts to flinch after a few such sentences.

Much of Kemi’s output has been about things Labour can easily brush aside by saying look at what you did in office. In her own way she is just as useless as Keith.

Rather in the way that Donald Trump has taken the initiative in the USA in the absence of Creepy Joe, Rupert Lowe of ReformUK has jumped in feet first where the Tories fear to tread and is joyfully making a right royal nuisance of himself on our behalf. This is exactly what our elected representatives are supposed to do; I guess many are too busy filling in their expense claims.

The silly mare has just entered a pissing competition with Nigel Farage as ReformUK announce they now have more members than the Tories. A furious Ms Khazi has claimed that Reform’s numbers are made up. Nigel’s response is to say he would welcome an audit if the Tories would do the same because the open secret at CCHQ is the Tories have been fiddling their membership numbers for ages. If she pushes this line it will not end well. Reform also projected their membership numbers onto CCHQ to wish Kemi a Merry Christmas. She is an amateur in the PR stakes.

Four big names in the MSM have now had a peek behind the scenes at Reform’s data and pronounced it sound. Will Ms Khazi now be sued for libel, I do hope so.

This comes after the moist sandwiches jibe. The new leader of the Tories is not really serious is she. It gave Nigel Farage the perfect excuse to sit in a pub eating a sarnie with his pint and mocking her sensibilities. Even Starmer got in on the act with his tuna sandwich and cheese toastie claim. The deluded woman thinks she is scoring points but she is just showing herself up time and time again.

Every battle she chooses is the wrong one and the outcome will do her no favours, why does she keep doing it. Maybe what is important for her is not important to anyone else. The WEF plonkers picked a real dodo there.

Not content with picking a fight she cannot win with Nigel Farage she has now urged, some say demanded, GB News cut Nigel’s airtime and says the channel gives too much airtime to HER critics. It is all about ME isn’t it. This is the Streisand effect on steroids. This really is not going to end well. I guess her advisers leave her alone at weekends and this is probably the real her emerging. Political suicide one small step at a time. I do hope Nigel sues her backside off and I believe we will see her demise in the not too distant future. She is going to be pilloried mercilessly in the House. There won’t be much point doing interviews either. How stupid can you be.

Final mention of this is that “allies” of Ms Khazi have denied she hauled in the boss of GB News to tell him he gives too much airtime to her critics. Welcome to the world of “Yes, Minister”. Never believe anything until it has been officially denied and I think she is too frit to deny it herself.

© well_chuffed 2025