The politics of spite

Life under Labour
Image by Lando from Pixabay

In politics the left has a long history of hatred which engenders spite and greed which leads to envy. No government before the Starmer administration has had these values in such a malevolent way.

They have a level of hatred that has only gotten worse over the years. The more they hate, the more virtuous they believe they are even though they are spiteful on an industrial scale. As can be indicated by the freebie fiasco, they are also extremely greedy. I don’t know why they should be envious of anyone, very few others have profited so much for so little reason. It must come from the “Show me anyone with more money than me and I will show you a rich man” theory.

These thought processes also lead to ill considered policies. Policies that are designed to punish rather than to do something for the people of this country. Take the removal of the non-dom status. The Tories had already planned to do this but in a couple of years time. Presumably so that Mrs NikNak, possibly the most famous non-dom in the country, had to time to move herself off to California. It was rather incongruous that someone living in 10 Downing Street could call themselves non-dom.

Labour want to bring it in as soon as possible. The result so far is that many billionaires and multi millionaires are already leaving the country. The original prediction that HM Robbery would be £3.9 billion better off was quickly scaled back to £1 billion better off and the latest prediction is that it will cost HMRC money.

The second example of this nonsense is the VAT on private schools. It is easy to predict that a substantial number of pupils at private school will have to go into the state system. Many parents will not be able to afford the increase in fees. I have yet to see a prediction on what this will cost. The part the IFS study forgot to take into account was that all these schools will now be able to claw back certain VAT contributions for the last 10 years. Eton College are rubbing their pudgy hands together with glee.

In the first year this is going to be a cost to HMRC, nobody knows what will happen in year 2 but it is safe to assume that any supposed profit to the Treasury will be much smaller than originally predicted. I ask if it really matters, their spite must be nurtured.

Who can remember Dennis Healey in the 1960s as Chancellor of the Exchequer. He famously promised to squeeze the rich until the pips squeaked. He did no such thing. The rich have far better lawyers and tax advisors than the government.

Only today, Monday the 14th, the summit on inward investment opened here with Starmer claiming this is the best place to do business. Cue much soothing of his ruffled feathers with CEOs lining up to say they were going to invest billions in the good ship UK. The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, who does want to invest here was excluded because he posted some hurty tweets about the hood. The latest spin from our liars is that he wasn’t banned but he wasn’t invited either. Not only that, Crayons is planning to introduce her workers have full rights on day one of their employment act. Cue thousands going permanently sick from their first day and doing it at multiple employers, if you don’t believe it there are some examples already of people having multiple jobs and being sick at several. Then Thieves is going to up the employer NI contributions. Could someone explain to me how making the employers pay even more in NI equals a good place to do business. Employer’s NI will probably not reach Belgian levels (their employer taxes total up to about 50% of what the employee earns and the employee then loses about 50% in stoppages – in short if you earn 100k you keep about 50k and the gummint gets about 100k of your salary) but every increase discourages companies from doing business here.

Keith proudly announced about £64 billion of investment as the summit closed. What he didn’t mention was that most of that money had already been planned, some of it under the, gulp, Tories. What a mendacious little chap he is.

The winter fuel allowance scandal has been overshadowed by the train guards getting a £300 bonus for every week they work for five days rather than the four they are contracted to do. This reminds me very much of some of the Spanish practises I heard about at Wapping when working for News International. The print unions in Fleet Street had negotiated a bonus for workers clocking in 10 minutes late, many were even later. Then they got another bonus for clocking in on time with yet another bonus if they clocked in five minutes early. Such tales were legion. To paraphrase Red Ken, “I’ll tell you someone else who gets a daily £361 bonus for turning up”. Of course it is our beloved members of the House of Lords, newest recruit is to be the extremely venal Sue Gray. This obsession with £300 or so must be designed to rub the noses of the pensioners in ordure.

The latest panic in business friendly UK is the rumoured increase in CGT from 30% to 39%. Investors are selling up big time. Keith’s contribution, it won’t be that big an increase. So it is going to increase, they only question is by how much. My money is on 38%.

As if in total disbelief that the rich won’t stand still and allow themselves to be taxed more the school kids running the show here are discussing an exit tax. This would mean that anyone extracting their wealth from this country as they flee to greener pastures will have their assets stripped while they attempt to move them beyond the clutches of HM Robbery. In response those affected are already on the move. It looks like Rachel Thieves’ punishment beating for the Rich is going to reduce the tax take instead of increasing it. That will leave them with only one target where they can raise more tax. That target is the rest of us who aren’t rich but work for a living, Twas ever thus; see previous Labour governments for further details. They never learn. The benefit class will still be living in clover and those with multiple jobs who are off sick at most of them.

Every government on the planet wants more money from the protection racket they call the taxation system. It is the socialists who have the greatest need. Allied with their hatred of many sectors of the community this means plenty of punishment beatings. What have the poor old pensioners done to be so picked on. I’ll learn ya. 

  • Quite a few will be dead before the next election, assuming we are allowed one though this does not mean they can’t vote.
  • Not all of them vote Labour. 
  • Some of them are far right though thuggery may be more than many can physically commit to. 
  • Many own their own large houses and the left think they can put these properties to better use.

Again the left forget one thing. The children of these pensioners will be incensed that their parents are being made to suffer on the altar of government incompetence, spite and greed.

Thieves has already spooked the markets with her ill-considered threats against anyone she considers fair game, this includes just about everyone bar illegal migrants and benefit claimants. As Friedrich Augustus von Hayek said, if socialists understood economics they wouldn’t be socialists. Add to this complete unawareness about how market confidence is maintained and we have the perfect conditions for a financial hurricane. The only question is when.

Now we hear they may be introducing something called the “banter police”. These are likely to be Karens who listen to conversations in pubs and note down anything not conforming to the government’s line.  In Franco’s Spain the school caretakers listened to the children in the playground to see if they could pick up any tittle tattle about who was against the Falangists, tips were passed on to the Guardia Civil who knocked on doors at 4am, hence the Guardia Civil are still a detested bunch. I think I am going to apply to be a block warden. The left famously hate anyone enjoying themselves, they do not approve of pubs at all.

On Thursday comes news that a man was jailed for praying silently in the street, he was of course a christian not a follower of mohammed. Then a Tory councillor’s wife was jailed for tweeting that she was not in favour of illegal migration and would not care if one of their hotels burned down. This is the stage we are at, an early version of the Stasi is now in operation. Stage 2 will follow soon enough.

The lefties are truly disgusting people. They have taken Goebbels’ methods as their own, especially the projection of their own sins on others. Ever since Elon Musk freed Twitter / X from the tyranny of the left they have been unable to suppress what they didn’t like and are no longer able to control the narrative or easily cancel people. There are now calls for a lefty boycott of said platform. Even la Clinton admitted last week they had lost control.

© well_chuffed 2024