Always Worth Saying’s Question Time Review

Question Time 14th March 2024

The Panel:

Lee Rowley (Conservative)
Jonathan Reynolds (Labour)
Stephen Flynn (SNP)
Ayesha Hazarika (Broadcaster)
Melanie Phillips (Columnist and author)

Venue: Liverpool

Question one, will redefining extremism prevent extremism? We hope so began Oxford graduate Lee Rowley, Conservative MP for North East Derbyshire and Minister of State for Housing. We need more clarity so we know who not to engage with. In a couple of weeks the government will announce who is extreme and who isn’t.

Can the government create community cohesion? Wondered 43-year-old Jonathan Reynolds, the Labour MP for Stalybridge and Hyde and Shadow Secretary of State for Business and Trade. He wanted ‘serious action’ but admitted to being ‘honestly unsure’.

Lee pointed out this was about organisations, not individuals who donate to political parties while threatening to shoot Dianne Abbott.

Divide, distract and deflect, began SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn, the MP for Aberdeen South. He continued his rant until he reached Brexit when La Bruce became obliged to interrupt, without success. Stephen moved on to Boris Johnson’s proroguing of parliament in 2019, refusing to be distracted or deflected into answering the question.

Melanie Phillips didn’t think definitions would help. Hm. There are already plenty of laws but the police won’t use their powers. For example, when it comes to neo-Nazis, they don’t need a definition, Melanie recognises who they are. But no action is taken against those who pose the greatest threat. Muslims? Yes, but Melanie was afraid to say the word.

While we’re on the topic, Melanie Phillips is the author of ‘Londonistan: How Britain Created a Terror State Within’. Interestingly, the Army’s ‘Extreme Right Wing (XRW) Indicators and Warnings’ leaflet, which can be viewed here, urges our men and women in uniform to divert their sniper sights and crosshairs from Putin and ‘Look out for individuals who ‘Add ‘istan’ to British place names’. Hmm. The small print obliges a call to the Army Warning, Advisory and Reporting Point (WARP).

Too extreme for the SAS or the Parachute Regiment, the 72-year-old Putney High School old girl and mother of two pursued a career in journalism and is currently a (fifth?) columnist with The Times.

Privately educated former adviser to Ed Miliband, Ayesha Hazarika read her answer from notes in front of her. She said this issue should be taken seriously but what is happening at the moment is Islamophobia. She also referenced Dianne Abbott, but forgot to mention the Labour MP for Hackney is suspended from the Labour whip because of her anti-Semitism. Ayesha also recalled the death of MP Jo Cox and some unknown soul convicted of thinking about damaging a mosque.

The 48-year-old University of Hull graduate was triggered. She went nutty about Tory doner Mr Hester and his idiomatic expression ‘feel like shooting’ – which doesn’t really mean you want to shoot someone. The proof being Mr Hester can afford an assassin and Ms Abbott is still alive.

La Bruce said we could talk about this all night and proceeded to do so, passing the race card around the table one more time. I lost count of how many times they said ‘racist’. Are they paid £5 a mention? Like at News Corporation when every journalist who wrote ‘SKY’ in an article was remunerated by proprietor Rupert Murdoch as he launched the new TV station.

Question two asked of pressuring Israel into ending the slaughter in Gaza.

Loony Jonathan foresaw a long-term breakthrough to a two-state solution. Stephen wanted Jewish hostages released and an immediate ceasefire to stop the collective punishment of the people in Gaza. He was ashamed to be a member of a Westminster parliament which has not voted for an immediate ceasefire.

He forgot to mention his party leader in the Scottish Parliament, Humza Yousef, sending taxpayers’ money to Gaza against Civil Service advice the day before his wife’s family were allowed to leave the besieged territory.

Melanie said she lives in Israel these days but is still British because she sometimes visits here. Melanie went through Stevens’s points and contradicted him. He is distorted and untrue. The markets in Gaza are packed with food, apparently. She called Stephen a crocodile-teared hypocrite. There will be more pogroms against Israelis if Steven has his way. She became pointy and, to groans, referenced a second Holocaust. Why do you sneer, sneered Melanie?

Outrageous disgusting slurs, retorted Stephen. He claimed the ability and personality to differentiate between October the 7th and its response. He wished Melanie could too.

Intimidated by Melanie, Ayeshia held two thoughts in her head at the same time. The two sides don’t want a ceasefire. Netanyahu and his government are extreme right-wingers. Both the Israelis and Gazans need new political leadership.

Lee Rowley suggested a Hamas unconditional surrender.

An American Jew in the audience remembered London and the IRA. We don’t negotiate with terrorists, she said. We negotiated with the IRA, La Bruce pointed out.

The final question referred to the early release of prisoners, but instead QT Review HQ shall address an issue raised more than once on recent QTs and which proved worthy of further investigation.


Viewers, review readers and Question Time panellists need not be surprised when newspapers, TV channels and QT studio audiences reference ‘assisted dying’. An expensive and sophisticated operation is underway in the run-up to the general election aimed at committing political parties to a free vote on euthanasia in the next parliament. Branded ‘Campaign for Dignity in Dying’, the promotion includes a website, a petition and a high profile ambassador in Ester Rantzen – herself suffering from stage 4 lung cancer. This week, related opinion polls sought to, as ever, influence rather than reflect opinion on the subject.

This campaign is coordinated by a non-profit membership organisation called ‘Dignity in Dying’, alongside their sister charity ‘Compassion in Dying’. Dignity in Dying claims to be a nationwide campaigning organisation funded by voluntary contributions from members of the public. As we shall see, this is untrue. The present name, adopted in 2005, replaced an original 1935 incarnation as the Voluntary Euthanasia Legalisation Society (VELS). Founder Charles Killick Millard was a Leicester doctor who, besides his commitment to euthanasia, was an abortionist and eugenicist holding a Utopian view of population management.

In his published pamphlets and accompanying talks, Millard claimed birth control to be a sign of advancing civilisation. As well as checking future wars and diminishing poverty and immorality, birth control was a valuable eugenic instrument ‘capable of restricting the multiplication of the least fit’ and ‘of greatly raising the quality of the race.’ The more backwards nations of the world would continue to have their populations limited by the old ‘natural checks’ of war, famine and pestilence until they became civilised enough to practice birth control. As for any moral objection, the soundest basis of morality, according to Millard, was not the rights of the individual but the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

He also wrote, ‘It was greatly regretted from the eugenic point of view that at present the reduced birth rate was chiefly amongst those classes best fitted to be parents.’ At his suggestion, the Eugenics Society prepared a health certificate for engaged couples to detail any ‘constitutional defect which might affect the health of a partner in marriage or of the offspring’. Millard wanted the examinations and certification to be voluntary as compulsion would be ‘too much in advance of public opinion’. Being ahead of opinion caught the eye of the Daily Herald. In a 12th August 1935 editorial, the newspaper noted Dr Millard prejudiced the chances of his advice being accepted by suggesting such a ‘voluntary’ examination could later be made compulsory. The editor concluded,

‘To make good health a condition for the issue of a marriage licence would give the State a power over the private lives of individuals which a Fascist might approve, but not the free and happy people of this country.’

A line of argument followed by Ian Dowbiggen in a Journal of Contemporary History piece entitled, ‘A Prey on Normal People’: C. Killick Millard and the Euthanasia Movement in Great Britain, 1930-55.’ In his article, Dowbiggen argued although Millard and the VELS tried to convince the public that it sought the legalisation of only mercy-killing with consent, ‘There was a tendency within the VELS to obscure the distinctions between voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. There is even some evidence of VELS sympathy for Nazi euthanasia.’

In the modern day and under their new name, Dignity in Dying publishes accounts, as does sister charity Compassion in Dying. These are revealing. The largest annual donor to Compassion in Dying is Church Street Trustees who have donated £204,000 in each of the last two years. According to Companies House, Church Street Trustees are under the jurisdiction of the Bailiwick of Jersey and are based at a convenience address in the tax haven’s Saint Helier.

Here the trail would end but the Panama Papers leaks reveal Church Street to be the trustees of a series of ‘special purpose trusts’. Such trusts are set up to implement the wishes of a particular beneficiary or group of beneficiaries. As befits operations within a tax haven, the defined purpose is bland allowing such trusts to be far from transparent. One such trust has a higher profile thanks to the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). Their records show a company called Novocure to have been owned by Volati of Jersey which is in turn was owned by the Oden Trust.

The trustee of Oden Trust was Church Street Trustees Ltd with the trust having been ‘settled’ by Gert Lennart Perlhagen. The ‘settlor’ is the one who places the assets into the trust. The brainchild of Yoram Palti, professor emeritus of physiology and biophysics at the Israel Institute of Technology, Novocure was founded in 2000. Palti had developed a new way to treat cancer by destroying tumour cells while sparing healthy tissue. Perlhagen is a biomedical science entrepreneur, famous for turning Swedish Meda AB from a $10 million to a $4 billion pharmaceutical. A founding investor in Novocure, Perlhagen still sits on the board. Presumably, the company was held in a Church Street Trust in anticipation of its 2017 NASDAQ float – where it is currently valued at $1.7 billion – which necessitated a declaration of ownership with the SEC.

The only other findable Church Street trust seemed to be based in an exclusive gated community in Johannesburg from where it invested in a stem cell therapy start-up in Bangalore. Interesting.

The second largest annual donor to Compassion in Dying, at £150,000 per year for the last two years, is the Bernard Lewis Family Charity Trust (BLFCT). Educated at the Jewish Free School in London, Lewis made his money in the rag trade through stores such as Chelsea Girl and River Island. A billionaire, the family assets are owned by the Lewis Trust Group which is controlled by an offshore company registered in the Cayman Islands. Although largely a donor to Jewish and Zionist causes, between 2010 and 2020 the BLFCT contributed £970,000 to Compassion in Dying. They also contribute to pro-illegal immigration ‘charities’ such as care4calais and donate4refugess. Other Lewis family trusts, again Judaism and Zionism-orientated, give smaller amounts to Compassion in Dying.

Elsewhere in the Compassion in Dying accounts, achievements include ‘amplifying the voices of people we support and driving changes to policy and practice.’ Information development spend is £343,000. Upskilling health and care professionals through the Lambeth Advance Care Planning Consortium included training and briefing 698 professionals, 321 of whom were GPs and practice staff. Fifty-six were social care workers. A cynic might suspect a euthanasia commissar is to be planted in every GP’s practice and care home. With over £1,000,000 in the bank as of December 2022, plenty is available to bombard you with lobbying in the run-up to a general election.

As for sister organisation Dignity in Dying, they publish accounts too but do not name donors. From the most recent numbers available, also 2022, membership and subscriptions amounted to £1.1 million with the lion’s share, £757,000, being spent on campaigns and media – hence an MSM omnipresence. Their ‘future focus’ includes ‘crucial’ votes in Jersey and the Isle of Mann – as part of the globalist tactic of normalising policy on the world stage via easier-to-influence small nations (and bailiwicks).

In conclusion, Puffins minded towards a new law should be aware the present campaign is driven not by your well-being but by the interests of billionaires, anonymous tax haven trusts and big medical corporations whose ethics connect by a short and direct line to those of the 1930s.


Does anyone want to grass up Hammersmith-born, St Anne’s College, Oxford graduate Melanie? If so, in the unique way the Army expects such things to be done, write a letter to:

Defence Industry WARP,
X007, Bazelgette Pavilion,
RAF Wyton,
Cambs, PE28 2EA

© Always Worth Saying 2024

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