It’s all become too tiresome (insert meme)

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The departure date for a new life outside the United Kingdom is fast approaching. Yes,it is with a very heavy heart that I leave the country I have grown up in and loved. Some will view this as cowardice and desertion, a not unreasonable opinion, but for me the writing is on the wall. I might lack the vast experience and wisdom of Kamau, as an Africa hand, but it is through such a dark prism that i now sadly view the land of my fathers.

I do not think I can add much to the excellent analyses of our country’s betrayal and destruction as regularly detailed by esteemed puffins. The corruption of every institution, in all senses of that word, the Great Replacement and destruction of our people and culture, an elite beholden to foreign interests, a civil service castrated by far left infiltration and diversidee, a pathological obeisance and fear of mohammedism, the elevation and celebration of degeneracy, the utter contempt for decent ordinary Britons, the infantilisation of education, the embrace of mediocrity, at best, to name but a few factors driving me to flee a once United Kingdom. I could go on but this is not an exercise in masochism. We all know it and feel it on some visceral level.

To many readers I will personify what is wrong with our nation. A comprehensive boy with a pointless degree from Cambridge and another piece of paper (African Studies) from SOAS, who went on to “manage” money and spent a decade in Russia, oh yes and the final nail in the coffin…ghey. I was delirious at Fatcha’s downfall, celebrating with pink champagne, so edgy, but thank God for a proper (state) education which taught me to think and to challenge, eventually. The callow youth evolved into an adult puffin, albeit of the lurking tendency.

So what has tipped the scales? The politicisation of the police and judiciary. Equality before the law is a distant memory and once it’s gone the third world will be upon us.

Not for me the revolver and whisky, rather a final retreat to isolation in South West France. It is a country which faces the same self afflicted challenges as our own, in some ways actually worse than here. There are however a few key differences. Presidential elections reveal the vast number of patriots who reject the tropicalisation of their homeland. Even the MSM airs the views of intellectuals and others who would be silenced in the UK.

Desertion is not the spirit which built our nation, and which I so admire, but perhaps some will understand my selfishness and desire to spend the time left in peace with the one I love.

My love for our country is such that I need to leave, to witness the death by a thousand cuts of diversity is intolerable. Of course France faces many of the same issues and cursed with an equally treacherous elite, but it is not my country, and ultimately I do not care. I just want to be left alone.

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