Crossnumber No. 224

© Richard Puller 2022, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2022
1 Call Joe Biden at the White House! (3-3-4)2&4 Phone the SNP! (4-3-4)
9 94-200 (4)3 66B6616 in decimal (6)
10 The year of THAT speech by Enoch x 400 with answer in base 4 (10)4 ..see 2
11 If this is too hard, phone The Samaritans (6)5 n3 (4)
12 453253106 in decimal (7) 6 72 in binary (7)
15 n20 - 300 + n (7)7 12345 x 678900 (10)
16 8! – (53 x 27) (5)8 n8 x (n-1) (10)
17&21 Phone Diane Abbott’s parliamentary office! (4-3-4)12 3C17F91C16 in decimal (10)
18 (10n - 3) x (10n + 4) (4)13 From Playas NM to Keswick CA… (5,5)
19 Text Any Answers (5)14 …and on to Manila UT (5)
21 ..see 1715 I caught a fish, alive! (5)
22 n! x 10(n-2) (7)19 Phone Las Vegas Metro Police HQ (3-4)
24 773 (6)20 Boris’s election year squared + 500 (7)
27 n! divided by 6 (10)23 Third day of June last year (2-2-2)
28 24 x 3 x 53 (4)25 53 in base 4 (4)
29 3EF16 in binary (10)26 n!

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Friday, subject ‘Crossword’.

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Winner of Crossword 223 and a GP mug JR (Contact GP to claim your prize).

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2022

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 223


1 Deportation 9 Smut 10 Gatecrasher 11 Jilt 14 Rwandan 16 Cabaret 17 Reran 18 Nude 19 Stab 20 Genes 22 Popular 23 Sapporo 24 Rain 28 Colonialism 29 Ewes 30 Useful idiot


2 Exam 3 OPEC 4 Turf war 5 Tash 6 Overran 7 Immigration 8 Statute book 12 Transported 13 Paedophiles 15 Never 16 Cages 20 Gallons 21 Sawmill 25 Poof 26 Glad 27 ASBO

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 224 & Answers to Number 223

© Richard Puller 2022