Christmas Crossword 2020

Crossword No. 150

© Richard Puller 2020, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2020
12 Conservative leader hiding in cave is a prick… (7)1 Going live to Soros? (4)
13 Iran has no live TV (2,3)2 Greta is fake to the core (3,5)
14 Fearful, inept Boris initially lied (3,5)3 Final investigation: Boris initially told lie (3)
15 Sham Labour leader seen in the buff! (5)4 English leader: “Deny the poor!” (5)
16’s a suggestion: lock Di in cave instead! (6)5 Serial killer used acid in Oz (6)
17 Searched frantically for bug? (3)6 &23 Government advice? I’m not wearing it! (4,5)
18 ..see 97&69 “Hospitals saved tenth corpse” - Tory leader demands Hancock’s head (7,3,3)
20 He read about obeying the rules (6)8 Ejaculation inside rejected! (5)
22 Cosmic picture books? (6)9,18&34 Labour leader’s red remarks about tier, yes? (4,6,7)
24 DUP change gear for a better deal (7)10 Dates found in red tin (6)
27 Struggled to conceal hair replacement (3)11 I’m twice posted on social media (4)
30 So Merkel’s leadership increases risk of cancer! (6)19 Season’s greetings to all postalliers! (5,9)
31 Ken Livingstone loves Nazi leader’s stew ! (5)21&70 He advised Boris to stop dicing with communism (7,8)
33 All together now: tut at Italian leaders (5)23 ..see 6
34 Sad first post for typical Guido contributor (4)25 Boris’s partner is an un-spun centrist (8,3,3)
35 Cheaper cure for Democrat leader (nut) (5,3)26 Our favourite politician has no idea! (5)
37 Hurry as the… (5)28 Ant is a good insect (4)
38 …race led by Donald initially called (8) 29 Fat dog found in sty (6)
39 Starmer’s extreme views on race will frighten off birds (6)32 A Hun used tip of willy to spread virus (5)
40 It’s trendy to get the ‘oral’ treatment! (9)34 ..see 9
42 I meet with Socialist leader, but I’m not welcome in Labour (6)36 Angered? (7)
44 Surgeon starts to fiddle with his virus-loaded model! (8)40&47 President threw mud at Portland (6,5)
48 Bust displayed after prank in tub! (8)41 Wind up a Tory nut? (5)
49 I’m often flushed on Saturdays (4)43 Point out content of potties (7)
50 Grinder is in a moral dilemma (5)45 Set up to make pie from Queen’s head! (5)
51 I say, I’m almost a complete nutter! (5)46 HUGE! Rudolf laid off! (10)
52 “No” to the left, they’ll never get it to stick! (6)47 ..see 40
54 French approach to Brexit negotiations (3) 48 Barnier starts new role in agriculture (4)
55 Give in to troublemakers? Apes gonna ape! (7)53 Fail for Conservative leader’s racial policies on Covid (8)
57 Force me to lop Conservative’s head (6)56 We’re not having a wild romp after EU! (4,1,1)
59 Agitated nutters reject Tory leader (6)58 There’s a rumble in the woods! (6)
62 ..see 66 60 Stylish Bob after a few drinks? (5)
65 Rug is made in Wigan (3)61 Labour leader has tofu, it’s against the rules! (5)
66&62 Shark catches malaria from Senator (6,6)63 Sunak gets end away from the rear! (4)
67 Victory for US Republican leader: “I had Covid-19” (5)64 Gin’s good for the vocal cords (4)
70 ..see 2166 Tory leader spilt ink all over wooly jumper (4)
71 Top civil servant? It is like an eel! (5)68 US leader Donald shortly calling for re-run (4)
72 “Dear Hun, we’ll never listen to you” (7)69 ..see 7

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a copy of A Bear’s Diary by Tachybaptus. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Last week’s winner of a GP mug. 149 – WAH.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2020

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 149


1 Caesar 4 Cipher 8 Black out 10 Enmity 11 Aged 12 Amiability 13 Cryptography 16 Coded message 20 Obsoletion 21 GCHQ 22 Coerce 23 Excretal 24 Tomato 25 Asians


1 Call girl 2 El Cid 3 Avocado 5 Iced bap 6 Himalayas 7 Rotate 9 Thin red line 14 Pictogram 15 Eggheads 17 Deepest 18 Eunuchs 19 Abbott 21 Greta

© Richard Puller 2020

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 150 & Answers to Number 149