Larry’s Diary, Week One Hundred And Thirty Seven
Monday Morning all, another pleasant morning. This is my sort of weather dry and mild. I don’t like it cold, I don’t like it hot and I certainly don’t like it wet. In the future [more…]
Monday Morning all, another pleasant morning. This is my sort of weather dry and mild. I don’t like it cold, I don’t like it hot and I certainly don’t like it wet. In the future [more…]
Would that Churchill be still among us A close friend with excellent credentials to discuss international politics and economics recently told me that with possible settlement talks starting between Russia and Ukraine it appears Ukraine [more…]
As mentioned in part one, the Ukraine situation is a trap set for Putin by the globalists. Bog down Russia and make them waste resources they cannot replace. The question is will he sniff out [more…]
This was, thought Merritt, absolutely bloody typical of Larkin. The place was a dizzying carousel of gigantic, deafening televisions blaring out conflicting commentaries on horse racing and football, the bleeping and blinking of garish slot [more…]
So here we are possibly facing WW3. Or maybe not. I will give a brief analysis of what I see going on in Ukraine and how it relates to the wider world. I will say [more…]
Last month I wrote about the massive waste implicit in government-sponsored bureaucracy – at local and central levels. The craving for a sense of importance leads small-minded apparatchiks to seize power over others by controlling [more…]
Monday Good morning all, another week and the war in Ukraine continues with Bozzie still running around like a maniac. I saw Putin on TV yesterday and he looks different, has he put on weight? [more…]
Javelin Javelin is an infrared (ie heat-seeking) guided anti-tank missile system. A previous generation of anti-tank missiles were wire-guided via a ‘semi-automatic command to line of sight’ (or SACLOS) system where the operator had to [more…]
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