Frankenstein’s Party
T’was 2019, mid July The whole nation was a’ high With anger and rage For their failed paige Do it all May! Just go away! Could not please every geezer, The treacherous Theresa But big [more…]
T’was 2019, mid July The whole nation was a’ high With anger and rage For their failed paige Do it all May! Just go away! Could not please every geezer, The treacherous Theresa But big [more…]
It is beyond dispute that Covid’s ravages are on the wane, yet resistance to freedom appears to be far more resilient than the virus. Over two short years a so-called Conservative government, egged on by [more…]
When, this bloody war is ooooover, Oh, how happy I will beeeee. That’s how I feel about that virus! At some stage, we do need to get back to normal. Remember those days, when you’d [more…]
On March 5th, the conservative columnist George F. Will gave the 34th Enid and R. Crosby Kemper Lecture at the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s “Sinews of Peace” speech at Westminster College [more…]
What a bleak winter this has been. Aside from the terrible disappointment across the Atlantic, it has been despondent in its own right, no pubs or coffee shops, no gatherings, no Christmas to speak of, [more…]
It grieves me deeply to have to write this piece, I am a staunch monarchist as are my forbears & extended family, I hold the Queen’s Commission as did my father & have written extensively [more…]
Britain is no longer great, it has not been for my entire life. I was born just days after the dawn of the Blair horror years in 1997, a year that marked the official end [more…]
‘And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save [more…]
Monday Good Morning Cat lovers. Another week and a lot happening here. Someone came round yesterday to check out if the central heating ready for the official turn on. The Civil Serpents do like to [more…]
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