Crossword No. 153

© Richard Puller 2021, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2021
1&13 Tech giant founder’s claim to be violent in bed (4,2,4)2 See, Abbott’s belly is fat! (5)
5 Kraut foe makes me Go Postal! (5,3)3 Elect Socialist leader? It’s balls! (9)
9 Old folk massage sore penis with tip of nose! (9)4 Love victory over EU leader? It’ll lead to change (6)
10 Leer at Scots dancing (4)5 Jack Dorsey crushed hemp seed by use of force (7,2,6)
11 True English leader is live in bed! (8)6 “Ace tits!” Conservative leader’s really happy … (8)
12 Republican leader leaves party – Ha! I don’t care! (6)7 … it’s his fate to make a mark … (5)
13 ..see 19 … as immoral English leader, he’s a c**t – Hail! (9)
15 Sick Kamala endlessly used to fix the vote (4,4)14 Maiden trying it on with seven Romans! (9)
18 Toss off in shrub (5,3)16 Always eat before doing a bunk (5,4)
19 Labour leader consumed ale with delicious girl (4)17 Conservative starts to tempt ridicule (8)
21 Place big bet on a lot of hangings (6)20 US Democrat leaders by far biggest cheats (6)
23 “Take ax to rap?” All will see this from different viewpoints (8)22 Boris’s leadership? Limp balloon! (5)
25 I’m in a short skirt! (4)24 WhatsApp founder was putting on no act (5)
26 EU pressure on the wimp Tory leader – “Re-join”! (4,2,4)
27 Each type of pirate attire? (3,5)
28 ‘Pigs’ in New York are watching us! (6)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm Sunday, subject ‘Crossword’.

Contact here on email

Winners of a GP mug/copy of War Crimes. 151 – b-bob, 152 – Hooker.

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2021

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 152


6 Communist 7 Party 10 Chinese 11 Wobble 12 Left 13 The great 15 Episode 17 Abbott’s 20 Teaching 22 Rout 25 Behind 26 Evasive 27 Hangs 28 Alliances


1 Bonce 2 Empire 3 Infected 4 Assents 5 Stalwarts 8 Albergo 9 Twee 14 Ephemeral 16 Sacking 18 Barbaric 19 H G Wells 21 Indy 23 Unions 24 Reset

© Richard Puller 2021

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 153 & Answers to Number 152