This podcast was meant for Halloween, so much for that after the Doc managed to do his back and legs in and ended up in bed for nearly a month. I hope that you’re all in better health than me.
Great news from across the pond with the landslide victory for Donald Trump, well done Sir. With not getting much sleep I managed to stay awake most of the night as the map turned red. Excellent!
Back to our little podcast. It’s only short and filled with the usual silliness that you’d expect from the Admiral. Edna (the witch) investigates the haunting of Peadbody Manor to try and find the skeleton of Mr Ron. Of course it all ends in disaster! It’s less than 15 minutes long and only 10 Megs of mp3 data, so it should not burn too much bandwidth if you’re on a mobile device.
These podcasts are great fun to record (although they do take a fair bit of work) and I hope that you enjoy it.
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© text & images Doc Mike Finnley 2024