Who Has Better Ethics, the Social Security System or Bernie Madoff?

Bernard Madoff’s mugshot
U.S. Department of Justice, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

According to Wikipedia, Bernie Madoff ran the world’s largest Ponzi scheme, with losses estimated to be as high as $65 billion. Madoff promised to invest his customers’ money in productive enterprises and pay them generous returns, when in fact he spent the money and manufactured fake statements. His generous returns to his customers were made with money from new customers. Eventually the scheme collapsed when money from new entrants slowed down. There were no productive investments to pay off his customers.

Like Madoff’s scam, Social Security is a vast Ponzi scheme. Although it claims to have “assets” of close to $3.0 trillion, these “assets” are not productive assets, such as factories, farms, or valuable commodities. They are book entries only and differ little from what Bernie Madoff was reporting to his customers. The government has spent the accumulated taxes of eighty years and now pays out what it receives in monthly taxes on retirees. According to some fiduciaries, soon monthly taxes will not cover retiree benefits. This could spell big trouble for Social Security.

Voluntary vs. Coercion

The main difference between Bernie Madoff’s scam and Social Security is that all of Madoff’s victims gave him their money voluntarily. They were victims, of course, but no one forced them to give Madoff their money. Many may have been gullible, avaricious, or both. But they entered into Madoff’s plan with their eyes wide open and were not coerced into doing so. They now receive nothing, and their initial investments are gone, probably never to be recovered or, if so, only fractionally after many years of legal machinations.

Compare Madoff’s scam with Social Security. All who earn incomes, whether wages or personal profits, are required by law to pay into the Social Security System. Failure to do so will result in fines and possibly jail. Like Madoff’s plan, all participants receive periodic statements explaining how much they and their employers have contributed and their current anticipated monthly payout upon retirement.

The main difference between the Madoff scam and Social Security is NOT that Social Security has accumulated real, productive assets and Madoff did not. Neither owned productive assets. The main difference is that Madoff did NOT force his customers to join his scam under the threat of violence; whereas, that is exactly what the Social Security System does. Therefore, if either system can be considered more ethical, or perhaps less unethical, it is the Madoff scam. Madoff was a confidence man, but he did not force anyone to join his scam. Targeted investors could join or not. But that definitely is NOT the case with Social Security. Yet Madoff is a modern pariah and Social Security is lauded by many as the savior of the impoverished elderly.

Current Victims Demand that Others Continue to Be Victimized

If both systems are Ponzi schemes, why was Madoff jailed and not the lawmakers and administrators of Social Security? If the Madoff plan can be unceremoniously shut down, why can’t Social Security be shut down just as unceremoniously? The answer most people give is that they were forced into paying for someone else’s benefits, so someone else can do the same for them. In other words, since they were victims they have a right to victimize others. I call this very common response to be highly unethical. At some point the Social Security Ponzi scheme must end and, when that happens, some will lose. Would a victim of the Madoff scam feel justified in allowing Madoff to peddle his snake oil to more victims just because he was a victim? I think not. Likewise, Social Security recipients have no ethical leg to stand on; neither do those who have been forced to pay into the Ponzi scheme for many years and have yet to receive any payouts. Being a victim certainly does not make it ethical to victimize someone else. Therefore, the only ethical thing to do is end Social Security right now. No more checks. No more taxes. Fire all the employees, destroy all the records, and sell all the buildings and office equipment. Cut out this unethical financial cancer that will destroy the body politic.

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