Crossword No. 92

© Richard Puller 2019, Going Postal
© Richard Puller 2019
1 A core IT failure for Clinton (7)1,17&5 What really happened in that New York cell? (7,5,4,7)
5 ..see 12 Granny rode lad! (3,4)
9 Laying turf up the rear? (7)3&14 Bake-off finale? (5,2,3,4)
10 Sharp Tory leader opined (7)4&27 Argonauts rest a bit for cocktails (9,7)
11 Re-seeding gets your pecker up (9)5 Wished for Hamas leader to meet ‘pedo’ (5)
12 Bone-headed Labour leader has sulk (5)6 It’s “Shalom” to Labour election letters (9)
13 Acorn used to get high (5)7 Protect from nutters (7)
15 Dude in panto looks like Gauke (9)8 Did Savile do it with violins? (7)
17 ..see 1 14 ..see 3
19 Costs rise under SNP rule (5)16 Edge has taken endless Viagra – he’ll be sorry! (9)
22 Poles are going downhill (5)17 Scary Di starts to burst (7)
23 Diane, late, is left out in the cold (9)18 Deport Labour leader – he’s a drip! (7)
25 Shun ale and let the dogs out (7)20 Choice of mixed-up potions (7)
26 Savage attack by 7th Conservative leader on Soubry’s head (7)21 Sits on Sadiq’s head – that’s humiliating (7)
27 ..see 423 Chase pains (5)
28 Desserts thrown, Tory leader departs and puts on clothes (7) 24 Chinese leaders stuck in crevice (5)

First correct entry out of ‘the hat’ wins a GP mug of your choice, or GP beer mats. Email entries to me by 6.00 pm tomorrow subject ‘Crossword’.

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Last weeks’ winner. 91 – Audrey’s Daughter

Going Postal
Going Postal Mugs – © Going Postal 2019

Answers with next week’s crossword.

Solution to Crossword No. 91

1 Labour Party 9 Bare faced 10 Bluer 11 Rescue 12 Schooled 13 Loathe 15 Bludgeon 18 Jaundice 19 Amalfi 21 Hat trick 23 Ice cap 26 Syria 27 Dictators 28 Malfeasance

1 Liberal 2 Boris 3 Unflushed 4 Pact 5 Radicals 6 Yobbo 7 Borodin 8 Fuel cell 14 Adultery 16 Democrats 17 Ecocidal 18 Johnson 20 Impasse 22 Realm 24 Clown 25 Ache

© Richard Puller 2019

Click here to download in pdf format: GP Crossword Number 92 & Answers to Number 91