Confronting The Climate Emergency, Part 7
It is six months since the Climate Emergency was declared in the Holme Valley and the variation in temperature I have experienced in this time has been wide – in excess of a 30oC range. [more…]
It is six months since the Climate Emergency was declared in the Holme Valley and the variation in temperature I have experienced in this time has been wide – in excess of a 30oC range. [more…]
‘Think Global Act Local’ was the mantra of the Green movement in the 1980’s Jonathon Porritt era before the greens lost their way and deserted science. In the 70’s and 80’s there was cohesive thinking [more…]
The fourth meeting of the Holme Valley Parish Council Climate Emergency Steering Group [HVPCCESG] took place on 10/7/19. Unfortunately I was unable to attend this rearranged meeting and sent my apologies. Interesting facts: Carbon dioxide [more…]
Some Interesting facts: Carbon Dioxide is a trace gas and currently accounts for approximately 405ppm (parts per million) or approx. 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere. 200 years ago in 1820, it is estimated (ice core [more…]
The third meeting of the Holme Valley Parish Council Climate Emergency Steering Group [HVPCCESG] took place on 18/6/19. Interesting facts: On researching the relative merits of solar power and nuclear power with respect to waste [more…]
Tasked with heading the challenge of confronting the declared CLIMATE EMERGENCY, Councillors and politicians throughout the land and all over the world are sounding the alarm bells and preaching to the people: WE MUST ACT [more…]
I write this on the eve of my first meeting of the Holme Valley Parish Council Climate Emergency Steering Group [HVPCCESG], a meeting I shall be attending as the newly elected Councillor for the Netherthong [more…]
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