George Orwell
1984 Part Two
So, We’re a year into the “New Normal” (a/k/a The Totalitarianism Rebrand) and things are still looking ….… well, pretty totalitarian. Most of Western Europe is still in “lockdown,” or “under curfew,” or in some [more…]
1984 & All That
The totalitarian novel is a relatively new genre, the most well known of these being (in no particular order) Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength, [more…]
Re-reading 1984
from Imgflip Meme Generator I first read George Orwell’s 1984 sometime around 1990. I recalled it as a bleak science fiction story about one man, Winston Smith, who attempts to rebel against a particularly evil [more…]
A Considered Appraisal of 2020 : That Was The Year That Was
2020……….Year Zero……….. The year the Global Capitalist Ruling Classes, having finished their dance of the seven veils, did away with the last figleaf of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly [more…]
A Covid Debrief
I enjoyed a most enjoyable discussion on the numbers with the informed, articulate & fragrant Rebecca Butler secretary to the Free Speech Campaign, last evening sponsored by Open Dialogus. As a number crunching nerd myself [more…]
The attitude should be gratitude
During these increasingly polarized times, it is easy for logical debates to give way to emotionally charged shouting matches. Once the idea of free dialogue is gone, riots, destruction and violence are sure to follow, [more…]
The Great Lie of All Tyrants
The forces of totalitarianism have been chiseling away feverishly at our liberties for many years now. Their efforts have taken the guise of radical equalitarianism (income redistribution), radical diversity (whom one may hire or accept [more…]
This Septic Eye, Ch 8
Let me just say something about the N word, yes that troublesome six letter word, that’s right, normal. I know that quite a few of you rarely even step outside of your homes in these [more…]